"Of course I'm here! Why wouldn't I be?" She looked at me, with a puzzled look in her sleepy face.

"What do you mean; I had to go on my own due to your operation..."

"What operation? Emma, you're scaring me!"

"What?" I didn't understand anything and on top of that, my head was threatening to explode again. "I need aspirin!"

"I need to sleep!" she murmured and put the pillow over her head.

I went to the bathroom, took a couple of aspirin and then slumped back in bed. Not even half a minute later I bounced back up again. "What do you mean? You had to take your appendix out, that's why I had to go on my own!"

"I took my appendix out when I was nine..." she mumbled under the pillow. "Go back to sleep!"

I sat down on my bed and my head was spinning. What the hell, was I back in my life?! Oh, no! Damon wasn't in my life, had he never been in my life? Had everything just been a dream?

Anna suddenly sat up in her bed. "What is wrong with you? Did you hit your head?" She looked at me like I had totally lost it and needed a psychiatric ward.

I stared at her.

"We arrived from the airport last night."

Tears started to pour down my cheeks, I just couldn't stop them. "That's not true, that can't be true! This cannot be happening!"

My friend just stared weirdly at me.

"I'm broken, but who can fix me now?" I just cried and cried and curled up in a foetal position on the bed.

Anna came and sat beside me on the bed. "Emma, I don't understand! Was it a dream, a nightmare?"

What could I say? I just cried.

She lay down and held her arms around me. "It's okay Emma, it's all over now. I'm here and we just arrived from the airport yesterday." She patted my arm. "We're gonna have the time of our lives!"

How could I tell her it was the waking up part that was the nightmare? I just didn't believe what was happening. This last week and a half had been the best of my life, but did this mean that had only been a dream, it couldn't, could it?

Another pain raked through my body and all I could do was scream. Scream from pain, but even more because I had lost Damon. When that pain subsided and I could breathe again, I was laying in bed, with my head on Damon's chest.

"Hey baby, you're back. I'm here, I'm here." He crooned and my tears flowed. "It was just a bad dream, you're here now." He did his best to comfort me but I felt the pain rolling off of him.

Stefan and Elena showed up in my visual cortex and I could see them exchange looks. "This is too fast!" Stefan said.

"Yeah, it took a lot longer for me to get this bad." Damon replied in a detached way.

"I'll call Klaus again!" Stefan turned and walked out of the room and Elena came and took a careful seat on the side of the bed.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I actually felt bad for her, she looked like she was in so much pain, and I knew she had been here when Rose was in this situation.

"I'm hungry, but I know that blood won't help. I saw what you did to help Rose." I smiled at her before I turned towards Damon and snuggled close to him. "I thought I would be laying here reading 'Gone with the wind' with you, decades from now." I gave Damon a weak smile.

He was silent for a while, and then he cleared his throat. "Yeah me too, that's a classic." Pain was still audible in his voice even if he tried to sound upbeat and perky, or at least as perky as Damon could be.

Chasing Dreams (a Vampire Diaries fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now