Episode 19: That Strange Feeling

Start from the beginning

"I still just don't think it's a good idea! What'll happen when they find out?" Tiff said.

"They won't find out!" Tuff replied, "That's the point of lying!"

"I still think that this is all gonna blow up in your face!" Tiff rebuffed angrily, "Back me up, Kirby!" No one replied, which confused her, "Kirby?"

Kirby, sick of listening to them argue, was floating around their kitchen, looking for something to eat. This was very confusing to Tiff's parents, who walked in on their daughter's pink friend holding a bag of pretzels.

"Poyo?" Kirby asked them, not wanting to be rude.

"Of course, Kirby!" Lady Like said, seeming a bit strange.

"Anything to help the selfless warrior!" Sir Ebrum added, grabbing the bag and opening it.

The two of them were acting weirdly nice towards him, which was strange, but, once again, he decided to just go with it. When he walked back into the sibling's room, they were finishing their argument.

"Fine!" Tiff had receded, "As long as you don't go overboard and keep the secret safe, I don't suppose there'd be any trouble."

"Don't worry, sis!" Tuff put his hands behind his head nonchalantly, "It's all gonna be just fine!"


Everything was going to change.

The impossible had been done, and King Dedede didn't even know it. Somehow, when Kirby unleashed his Heartstorm, he had been possessed by Dark Matter. It didn't make sense, though. One of the first things that Zero had told him about Kirby was his immunity to Dark Matter. He had to get to the bottom of this.

Once the throne room had been emptied, he grabbed the gemstone off of his crown and held it in front of him until Zero's red eye appeared.

I can sense that you're angry, Sire.

"Yeah, I'm angry!" Dedede shouted, "You coulda just possessed Kirbeh the whole time! But you didn't! Why?"

What are you talking about?

"Everyone's saying that Dark Matter is what made Kirbeh mind control an entire town!" He shook the gem angrily, squeezing it, threatening to break it apart.

Did you ever consider that they could be wrong?

"How could an entire kingdom be wrong?" The king squeezed it a bit tighter before loosening his grip, "Oh, I'm outta shape!" He panted, "I need muscular fuel!" 

Your Majesty, it's simply not possible for me to-

Zero paused, leaving King Dedede bewildered and frustrated.


"You ain't distracting me that easy!" The king grabbed the gem with both hands.

Look, short version; I'm Dark, he's Heart, he's my weakness in the Square of Chaos! Now, go stop these intruders in the basement!

"Stop them yourself!" Dedede growled, "Your secret after all! Now, I'm gonna go and get ready for tonight!"


"You know, the ball of superstars?" The king said, tugging his shirt collar, "I'm a special guest!"

Although the king was being ignorant and baselessly accusatory, he did give Zero permission to deal with the intruders himself.

And deal with them, he would.


Bandana Dee was always a good person. He donated to charity, helped catch criminals, and was now on the royal court as captain of the Royal Guard, a very trustworthy position. Everyone he knew said that he was a nice person, even Tiff, and it's hard to get a compliment out of her. Yet, here he was, rummaging through classified files that he didn't have access to, a crime that could get him executed.

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