Episode 11: The Masked Swordsman, Part 1

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"That does it!" Meta Knight knocked some miscellaneous notepads off of the command center, "I can't wait any longer! This new star warrior must be found as soon as possible!"

Mace Knight, who had been checking the engines, ran in to talk to his general. "I'm sorry, Sir Meta Knight!" He whimpered, "The engines are working as hard as they can! We can't go any faster!"

The blue knight calmed himself down to try and think of how he could get there faster. "Keep flying the ship at its current velocity, and train while I'm away." Meta Knight looked out the window, eyes on the yellow planet of Popstar. "I can make that." He said, swinging his cape around him before disappearing.


*Theme Song (Meta Knight Remix) Plays*


Dedede ran back to the castle as fast as he could.

The second he stepped through the front door, he checked the clock. He had around three hours left to get ready. "Escargoon!" He howled, already ordering Waddle Dees to grab party supplies from Tuggle's. As they walked off, the snail himself slithered in. "Escargoon!" Dedede grabbed his adviser's shoulders, "We have about three hours until the star warriors arrive, do we have the cake prepared?" 

"You mean our cake for celebrating the fact that Kir-" 

The king put his hand over Escargoon's mouth, loudly finishing his sentence for any suspicious figures listening in, "Kirby's gonna become more powerful and capable! Yes, that cake!" Then, Dedede held his friend close and whispered, "Look, we can't just say things like that out loud. I have my suspicionings that someone in this castle is a traitor!"

Escargoon nodded, understanding that "suspicionings" can make one act weirdly. And, out of the corner of his eye, he thought that he saw something. He shook his head, he must've imagined it.


Meta Knight collapsed against the rock. He just couldn't make it all the way to Popstar, but he had managed to teleport onto their moon, which was close enough. After briefly thanking Void that he didn't need air, he got up and tried to locate Dreamland based on the map of Popstar that he had studied before the journey.

Being too tired to travel with his Dimensional Cape again, he decided that the best course of action was to fly towards the planet and try for a soft landing. He had to find this new warrior.

He had to.

Thinking back to his map, Dreamland was in the center of the star-shaped planet. The travel guide that he read showed that it was a very grassy, relaxing place. Meta Knight looked around as he descended, making sure that he was landing in the right place. As the land came into view, he saw a town in the distance. This was the way to go. He was sure of it.


Kirby unpacked his backpack, putting his art supplies back one of the storage boxes. He opened his lunchbox, seeing that Tiff had packed another meal in there when he was on the run. There was still that odd, tinfoil-wrapped ball that was marked "emergency only", the pink puff set that aside and inhaled the rest of his food.

Tiff sat down next to Kirby, who was deciding to take a nap after he was freed. Tuff had decided to go home and play some more Grizzo Wars IV: The Nova's Blessing with his friends. Bandana Dee decided to head back to the castle. Kirby's friends had expected some kind of party, celebrating the puff's newfound freedom. However, Kirby had decided to get some rest instead.

As Bandana Dee walked toward the castle, he saw the rest of the royal guard running in the opposite direction. "Waddle Doo!" He shouted after the slowest runner, "What's going on?"

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