Episode 2: An Ally From the Stars, Part 2

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Kirby awoke when he felt his head (well, I guess just him, Kirby is all head) bump against something hard. He looked around and saw Tiff staring at him. Finally, she spoke.

"Hey, Kirby. You're finally awake."

Kirby stood up, wondering what what going on.

"So, we were trying to get flowers from Whispy Woods, right? I guess we walked right into that ambush, like that guy over there."

She pointed at a skeleton. Kirby gasped.

"No, behind that Halloween decoration."

Behind it was a man with a blue hat. Kirby calmed down.

"As I was saying, we're in this together, like a brother and sister! Oh, wait. I have a brother  already..."

A thumping noise came from above, and they heard a somewhat squeaky voice shout.

"Quiet in there!" It yelled, "I like that game as much as the next dee, but memorizing the opening is a bit much!"

Tiff shouted back, "It was worth it for this moment!"

"We're here! Stop the cart!" It announced.

The cart stopped and opened, allowing Kirby and Tiff to walk out and see that they were in Waddle Dee Town Square, on a public stage. A crowd was forming, which worried Tiff, but not Kirby. Kirby actually tried to run off the stage but was stopped by a spear almost falling on him. "Stay here." The voices origin was now visible.

It was an orange ball with a pair of yellow feet, a beige pattern on its face, the same nubs as Kirby, and a blue bandana with a yellow peace sign on it. It seemed to be the source of the voice, but it had no mouth.

A ketchup-colored ball with a giant eye came up to it. "Hey, Dan! The king is coming to see this personally."

"Oh, wow!" The ball, apparently named "Dan" got up and waved excitedly. "Maybe now, we'll be able to join the royal guard! I'll be the youngest member, but I'll be the one who brought poachers from Whispy Woods!"

"Hey, we weren't poaching, we were trespassing!" Tiff said, "If you're gonna get us arrested, at least get the crime right!"

Dan jumped down from the cart, unfazed by the intimidation tactics Tiff was trying to do. He turned toward Kirby. "How old are you? I need to know how much trouble I can legally put you in."

Kirby didn't understand the question, but in case you were wondering, he's a newborn at this time.

Kirby just said "Poyo!"

Dan looked disappointed, and walked away. He could see that Kirby was younger than Tiff, and did he know how old Tiff was, among other things...

She was always getting into trouble. Questioning the king's authority, sneaking around, getting into trouble, and just thinking that she's better than everyone else. He wanted to arrest her, but she was 12 years old, 2 years younger than his own age, so she couldn't be punished that bad. It infuriated him.

Dan looked at Kirby, he was very confused. He looked at him weirdly and asked, "Who the wawa are you?"

Kirby responded cheerfully. "Kirby!"

The bandana-wearing waddle dee continued, "Well, Kirby , we have a rule about being in the forest. And do you know what we do with rule-breakers?"

Tiff reassured him, "Don't worry, Kirby. He can't punish you." She turned to Dan. "Just like you can't punish me. Isn't that right, Dan?"

The waddle dee seethed with rage as he heard Dedede's car approaching. He gave her the most smug face he could (because no mouth) and walked to the side of them, still barring Kirby's exit. As the king stepped up to the platform, the sky ominously got darker.

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