Episode 20: The Dark King, Part 1

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"Sire..." Bandana Dee squeaked. First, he had broken the law, and then he saw his team crumble, and now the king was possessed by Dark Matter. It was like all of his worst nightmares, condensed into one day.

"No," Meta Knight spoke, uncertain and worried, "No! You were my only other theory! If it wasn't you or the snail, then who's behind all of this?"

"You think that this idiotic king could lead us?" Dedede- No, it wasn't Dedede asking. His voice was hollow and empty, and his charismatic accent was faded into monotone. "Even if he has the intelligence of a soap bar, he has the power to move mountains!"

"H-How long have you been planning this?" The knight looked back and saw that Sailor Dee had vanished, sounds of struggling making it clear that she was dragged into the shadows. "What is the end goal to this?" He asked, as he heard Bandana Dee get snatched away, leaving the Star Warrior alone, facing one of his few mistakes by himself. "You can't get me!" He screamed, "I am Meta Knight!" 

King Dedede creaked out of his throne, walking like a poorly-made puppet over to Meta Knight. "That's what the last one did," he said, "Used his own namesake as a last defense. He fell down, just like you will. And you will join your fellow warrior's fate!"

Meta Knight's eyes went wide before his vision went dark.


*Theme Song Plays*


Jeez, weren't you just a little dramatic?

The king spoke to the black chains, holding him in place. He was in a void of black and red, suspended above a pit of pitch-black darkness.

It worked, didn't it?

I guess, but I still don't know about this plan of yours...

It's simple, you being possessed, just for a bit, proves to any suspicious audiences that you are a victim, not a ringleader.

I see your logic, but what kinda stuff are you gonna do to my body?

I'm being particularly gentle with you, Sire. No serious harm will befall you.

But, what's the plan now?

We make Kirby's life a bottomless pit of despair...


Kirby's life was nothing but butterflies and rainbows. Ever since the previous night, people had been respecting him and praising him a lot more than usual, even calling him a hero. He, along with two of his best friends, Tiff and Tuff, were just relaxing on the beach, enjoying the sunny day. The boy, however, encountered a problem.

"I'm bored," Tuff said, "Do you guys wanna play Flagball?"

"Poyo!" Kirby squeaked affirmatively.

"Tiff?" Tuff asked, "You wanna give it a try?"

"No thanks," Was her reply, as she sat up and pulled out a notebook, "I think I'm gonna study these waves. You guys can play by yourselves, though." Tiff opened to a page and began to write, so it would be pointless and rude to try and force her to play. 

Still excited to play with each other, Kirby and Tuff ran through Waddle Dee Town to get their equipment. However, an important news announcement came on, so everyone stopped at a TV display (the kind that I see in cartoons, but never in real life) and listened. Kirby, with his infant-like attention span, decided to join the crowd, floating over the gathering mass.

The first thing that he noticed was that Dedede was wearing different clothes. His red outfit was now a bright purple, with a white shirt to complement it. Then he noticed that the way he was moving seemed wrong somehow, like a puppet being moved by strings. 

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