Episode 12: The Masked Swordsman, Part 2

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"Well, you put up a good fight, I'll give you that." Meta Knight said to Kirby's unconscious body before slinging it over his shoulder. "Hopefully, you'll become better as you age."

Having won his battle against The Newest Star Warrior, Kirby, the knight spread his bat-like wings and flew to the top of a nearby house, looking for something. Tiff, the only other conscious person at the scene (not counting a nearby butterfly), ran up to the house. She was trying to help Kirby, but ended up tripping him in the fight. She had caused him to lose, and it seemed that Meta Knight knew this, too.

"Don't worry, little girl," he seemed to be genuinely trying to be reassuring, "Now, he can train with the best of the best. He's better off without you." 

With that hurtful statement, Meta Knight pulled him and Kirby into his cape, vanishing into the unknown.


*Theme Song (Meta Knight Remix) Plays*


Tiff stumbled backwards. Kirby was gone. Just gone. Immediately after that, she turned back to the Royal Guard, who were nursing each other's injuries (Meta Knight actually did break Blade Knight's fingers). 

"We gotta go get him," Tiff said to Bandana Dee, who had bruises all over his body, "We can't just  let him do this."

"We could talk to Dedede, he might be able to help!" Even though he was sore and hurt, she had to admit, he was dedicated to the king.

"I'll try to fix the buggy," Sailor Dee said, nursing a scratch on her forehead, "Tiff, can you get a spare tire?"

"That, I can do," She said, before walking off to Gus's Garage. Maybe this time, she wouldn't screw everything up.


It was the second time Kirby had woken up in a dark room. At least, in prison, he woke up to a familiar face. Here, it was just a metal box of some kind. It was enough to make him scared, and he let it show to anyone who happened to see.

"Kirby, we are ready to begin. Stop crying." A voice came from the speaker. It took a second for Kirby to realize that it was Meta Knight, and then, the memories of the last three hours finally came back to him. He was not happy to hear his voice. "Alright, because you're just beginning as a Star Warrior, we're gonna run you through a few tests, to figure out how to train you."

One side of the cube opened up to reveal a larger, metal room. Looking down, Kirby saw spikes lining the floor of it. Suddenly, strange blocks began to fly around, creating platforms to stand on, along with some walls that got in the way. In addition to this, some opened up to reveal cannons inside of them!

"This will test your ability to traverse difficult areas, ready to begin?" Kirby looked up to see Meta Knight, along with four other strange beings, varying in shape and size, looking at him through a glass window. Behind them, he could see a large screen, displaying someone who looked like Meta Knight, but he was green and wearing full golden armor. 

The puff tried harder to stand, but his injuries from the duel decided that he should stay laying down. Seeing this coming, Meta Knight pressed a button, and a red box came out of the wall next to Kirby. When he tapped it, the box opened, revealing a red tomato with a large "M" plastered on it. Being always ready for a snack, the injured orb inhaled the tomato in one gulp. 

He didn't expect a sudden rush of energy as the scratches and bruises on his body faded away. Now he was ready for whatever they threw at him.

Immediately after he recovered, the cannons fired at Kirby, who dodged them by jumping to the nearest platform. Upon landing, he discovered what made this particular challenge so difficult. The platform teetered under his weight, which just made the next cannonballs harder to deal with. 

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