Episode 19: That Strange Feeling

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As Kirby was simply walking through Waddle Dee Town, he had noticed a lot less angry glares than usual. In fact, it looked like people were actually smiling at him. One kid waved hello and their parents didn't even flinch. It was almost like everyone forgot how much he was hated overnight!

Though it was strange, he wasn't about to remind them of their hatred. So, like anyone would do in his shoes, he just went along with it all the way to Tiff and Tuff's house. When he got there, Tiff pulled him inside, checking if anyone was watching. Once she had closed the curtains, they went into her bedroom, where Tuff was at the computer, practicing.

"So, we need to come up with a contingency plan for the next time you get possessed!" She said, very worried.

"Poyo?" Kirby was shocked by this, he had never been possessed by Dark Matter before. Come to think of it, if he made the hearts that destroy Dark Matter, could he be possessed?

"You know, the first time you made that Heartstorm, you were possessed, right?" Tiff turned to him, trying to catch him up to speed. However, when Kirby shook his head in response, she realized that she was the one who needed to be brought up to speed. "Wait, does that mean that..." She thought for a second, before glaring at Tuff, "Tuff, what did you do?"

"What?" Tuff asked, innocently, "All I did was point out the possibility that Kirby may have been possessed by Dark Matter when he used the Heartstorm! What's so bad about that?" He pointed at the computer, where he was looking at a post on social media. The fact that it got a lot of thumbs-uppies and word bubbles probably meant something.

"Tuff!" Tiff said, already annoyed, "Lying is a horrible thing to do!"

"Not always!" He reminded her, "Like when we lied to mom and dad in order to break Kirby out of Meta Knight's ship! Besides, it's not like I'm telling them what happened! It's just a theory!"

For once, to Kirby, Tuff seemed to be on the morally high ground. So what if he didn't tell the truth about what had happened? It wasn't like the theory could be proven incorrect! On top of that, it's a lot easier to defend a town that supports you than one that hates you. Maybe, just this once, a little white lie wouldn't hurt.



*Theme Song Plays*


"I can't believe I actually agreed to this..." Bandana Dee and Meta Knight were in the Void, drawing a map of sorts.

"Hey, I'm happy to do it myself if you're scared," Meta Knight shrugged at his partner, "In fact, it may be easier by myself!"

"No, I gotta follow along and make sure you don't get yourself executed or something!" The Waddle Dee groaned, amazed at how he had gotten himself dragged into this mess.

"Look, rookie!" Meta Knight's voice was stern and serious, "If we want to figure out who's behind the Dark Matter attacks, we can't let something like the law get in the way! It's just a little, petty crime-"

"You are talking about breaking into the castle and stealing private documents!" Bandana Dee groaned again, "This gives me an awkward feeling in my stomach..."

"Meh, it's called guilt." The knight said, casually, "You'll get over it! Now, the basement should be  right here!"

Meta Knight, with no warning, pulled Bandana Dee into his cape, warping them directly to the castle basement.


How long can two siblings argue?

Kirby pondered the question for about five minutes until his stomach began to growl in hunger.

Kirby Right Back at Ya: Rewritten S1Where stories live. Discover now