Episode 18: A Foolish Fabrication

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A piece of perfectly toasted bread.

Slices of perfect cheese.

Ham, cooked to perfection.

Another piece of bread, as perfect as the first.

Bacon strips, nice and crispy.

Some nice, ripe tomato slices.

A few sheets of lettuce.

A perfect blend of condiments, topped with a final piece of bread.

One last toothpick for perfection.

Perfection: The Sandwhich.


Kirby's mouth was practically a raincloud, with how much he was salivating at the screen. That sandwich was absolutely perfect. He simply had to eat one, no, multiple of the perfect sandwich!

Faster than a blue hedgehog, he ran to Kawasaki's, the place selling that perfect sandwich. Bursting through the doors, Kirby ran to the counter, ringing the bell rapidly. Soon enough, the head chef, Kawasaki himself, came up to greet his first customer of the day.

"Oh, hello! What would you like to eat today?" The chef said, grinning at Kirby.

"Poyo!" Kirby pointed at the poster for the sandwich.

"Ah, Perfection: The Sandwich! Our newest creation! Good choice! That'll be 25 Dededollars!" Kawasaki said, grabbing a notepad.

"Poyo?" He was stupefied. The great Star Warrior, slayer of Dark Matter, was unsure of how the monetary system known as Capitalism worked.

"Wait, do you not have money?" The chef lowered his notepad, "Look, I may be desperate for customers, but I'm desperate for paying customers! If you want the sandwich, you're gonna have to get some cash!"

Kirby walked out of the shop, filled not with food, but with depression. He sat idly by and watched as families started to form a line. A line to pure bliss. A line to true happiness. A line that Kirby simply could not walk.

He tried to take his mind off of it by looking at another wall, where he saw a strange poster. He couldn't read it, but he saw Castle Dedede along with some money signs at the bottom of it. The message couldn't have been clearer. There was money at the castle.

And so, Kirby ran to Castle Dedede, hoping to get money, in order to finally get the sandwich that he'd been dreaming about for the past five minutes.


*Theme Song Plays*


When Kirby had made it to the castle, he saw a line of people in front of the door. At the very end of it was Meta Knight, who was reading a piece of paper. 

"Poyo?" He asked inquisitively.

"Oh, I'm practicing this joke!" Meta Knight showed it to his pupil, "I'm trying out for the role of court jester."


"The jester entertains the king, and in return, he gives them money!"

Kirby's mind went back to what Kawasaki had said about the sandwich. He needed money, and if he became the jester, he'd have money, and then, he could buy that perfect sandwich!

"Poyo!" Kirby puffed out his chest, determined to get the job. The very idea made the knight laugh.

"Are you kidding me?" He chuckled, "The first round of the interview is to make the king laugh with your words! I don't think that 'Poyo! Poyo!' will work that well!" After a brief moment of laughter, Meta Knight calmed down, "Anyway, I need the job. As it turns out, I need money to buy a house. What nonsense!"

Kirby Right Back at Ya: Rewritten S1Where stories live. Discover now