Episode 4: Beam Attack!

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Kirby and Tiff were walking down the street. Tiff had said earlier that she had a surprise for Kirby. He had spent the time trying to figure out what it could be. Kirby jumped around excitedly when she said that they were getting close. He was a bit disappointed when he saw that they were at some kind of tent.

There was a sign in front of it that Tiff had to read to him.


If you beat these challenges four...

I'll get you a cake, and maybe more...

If you do well, let us see...

Signed, Bandana Waddle Dee.

Kirby, excited to earn cake, ran in with no hesitation. Tiff walked away, sighing, "Well, guess I gotta go do that community service now."


Dedede walked toward the tent, Escargoon in tow. The snail seemed frustrated. "Why are we going to watch that pink pipsqueak practice in a party tent?" He groaned.

The king turned to him, "Because I wanna see how he's improvin'" He looked up at his amulet, mounted onto his crown. "You gotta check for weaknesses, Zero. He handled the fire like nuttin', we gotta do better," he whispered, making sure Escargoon didn't hear.

Of course, your majesty, that fire thing was my bad.

"You bet it was," he whispered sharply, "Now, take note of anythin' he struggles with."

Yes, my liege.

They made it to the back door of the tent, where Sailor Waddle Dee greeted them.

"Good morning sirs," she said, bowing (that image made me laugh for some reason), "Would you like to watch the practice?"

"Yeah, we do!" Dedede proclaimed, "I wanna see how Kirbeh does at clobbarin' those there challenges!"

She nodded and showed them the way to the best seats in the tent. (Pillows on the ground). They both seemed uncomfortable, but sat down. 

"It's about to start." Sailor Dee said, "Just to let you know."

King Dedede was excited, but Escargoon was scrolling through TweetyBurt.


*Theme Song Plays*


Kirby ran into the tent, looking around. He saw a series of gates and fences, with Bandana Dee standing on a wooden podium.

"Kirby!" He boomed, "Your first challenge is through that gate!"

He pointed at a gate with a spear, and a second later, it lit up with what appeared to be party lights. Kirby ran through it, being sure to close the gate afterwards like the kind boi he is. 

Looking at what lay ahead of him, he saw a basketball hoop and a few balls sitting off to the side. 

Bandana Dee suddenly shouted through a megaphone, "Challenge One: Precision! Land a ball in the hoop on the other side!"

 Kirby grabbed a ball and started to run, but then he heard a whistle.

 Bandana Dee shouted, "You can't cross that line!"

Kirby looked down to see that he was about to step over a red line. He took his ball and threw it at the hoop. It missed. He looked disappointed in himself.

Bandana Dee said, "You know you get three tries at each challenge, right?"

Kirby perked up and tried again, still missing. He got upset and just chucked the ball into a random direction. That direction happened to be the hoop. A bell rang, followed by a confetti cannon going off.

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