Episode 16: A Dynamic Documentary

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Four warriors ran across the battlefield.

Their mission was simple, get the golden egg from the Mighty Birdra! Their team was unstoppable, a group specializing in defense and speed. Perfect for snatching an egg from under her beak.

Then tragedy struck, a fire blast disintegrating them.


"Oh, come on!" Tuff groaned, letting the game controller slip out of his hand, "Do you guys even remember your spells?" The little boy groaned louder as his teammates, three of his Cappy friends, all opened the pause menu to check their equipment. "Come on guys, I told you we have to remember! How else are we gonna win that tournament?"

"Sorry," Iroo said, adjusting his grip on the controller, "I guess we've all been having trouble remembering things recently..."

Honey and Spikehead sighed with guilt, as Tuff took off his headphones and walked away from the computer. All of that questing was making him hungry. When he got to the kitchen to sneak a cookie from the jar, he saw his sister, Tiff, grabbing an awful lot of food.

Kirby must be visiting.

"Tuff, what's a good filming snack?" She said, browsing her options, "Chips or crackers?"

"Filming snack?"

"I invited Kirby to help me film birds today."

Tuff groaned, "That's lame! You get two extra weeks off from school, and this is what you choose to do with it?"

Tiff chuckled in response, "Says the guy who's playing video games all break."

"Hey!" He snapped, suddenly offended, "Me and my friends are training for the Super Star Festival! They're having an SWSQ tournament there!" (For anyone curious, Super Warrior Star Quest)

"Judging by your complaining, your friends might need some more practice," She scoffed, looking over his shoulder and seeing their father.

"She has a point, my young lad!" Sir Ebrum said, "I have an idea, why don't you go help your sister with her film? Nothing feels better than creating something for yourself!"

"But, dad!" Tuff groaned, "Egg Snatcher is a four-player quest! They can't practice without me!"

"He has a point, Tuff," Tuff almost groaned louder at his mom, who decided to join the conversation, "Besides, you spend too much time in front of the screen! Your friends have been complaining to their parents about headaches and memory loss! You need to spend some time with your sister!"

"But, mom!" He groaned again, before getting interrupted.

"And that's final!" She said, glaring at her son.


*Theme Song Plays*


It was just an ordinary day at Castle Dedede. The sun was bright in the sky, a welcome sight, considering the day before. Bandana Waddle Dee stood at the front gates, watching for any intruders. Blade Knight was with him, but something felt off about him. It was like he couldn't wait to get away.

As blasphemous as that sounded to the captain, he understood. They had been standing there for a few hours without anything exciting happening. Bandana Dee was about to suggest that he takes a little time to rest, when a shadow landed right in front of him. Blade Knight had no time to react as Meta Knight grabbed his captain and warped away with him.

Taking the excuse to actually do something, the green-clad knight ran into the castle.


Even Tiff had to admit, it was a little unfair.

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