Chapter 26: Onyx's rise (Arc 1)

Start from the beginning

Suddenly they hear cheering which they look over to see a crowd of people gathering around and cheering which they came over and Y/n looks over them and sees a man wearing a suit.

Y/n: (surprised) Holy shit! Hideo Kojima is here.

Tari: (shocked) No way! He is?!

Meggy: Whose he?

Y/n: He's the guy who created the Medal gear solid series. But I didn't know he was here.

Tari: Still we can't get over to him because of the crowd.

Y/n: (smirk) Well no crowd isn't gonna stop me.

He then pulled out a portal gun and fire it on top of the ceiling above Hideo while shooting another on the floor which open a portal to down below which amazed Tari.

Meggy: Since when do you have a portal gun?

Y/n: Let's not get into any plot holes and just say i always have it. Anyways let's go.

Y/n jumps through with Meggy following behind. Tari was a bit nervous and was about to jump when she noticed a duck sale going on and decided to get some.

We then see the two fallen through the portal from the ceiling and land in front of Hideo as he turn to them.

Y/n: Yo Hideo we would like to ask you some ques-

Suddenly Mario crashes through the crowd of people with his go-kart and accident ran over Hideo which Mario jump out without any care.

Meggy just sigh including Y/n when he noticed something. He look around and noticing hooded figures are looking up the exits all around them.

Y/n: (thought) What on earth are they doing?

He looks over at Mario approaching Hideo as Hideo slowly gets up only to sees something pulling out from his back which he immediately called out.

Y/n: Mario get away from him!

Mario turn only for Hideo to pull out a T Pose bomb which Meggy rushed over and pushed Mario away but it was too late for her as the bomb exploded, sending both Mario and Y/n back.

Y/n slammed into the wall and shake his head and looks over to see Meggy being turned into a T Pose zombie.

Y/n: No!

Suddenly the hooded figures pulled out weapons and grenade launches with T Pose virus grenades inside as they fire at the crowd and infected everyone with it.

A group of arm soldiers open fire at Y/n but he quickly pulled out his portal gun to a wall near them and fire one next to him onky to go through and punch the soldier in the face.

He picked up his rifle and open fire at the soldiers and taking them out.

He then hear laughter from Hideo as he turn and sees Hideo revealing himself to being Waluigi as he laughs.

Y/n: You!

Waluigi: (smirk) Hello.

In rage he fire his rifle at him but Waluigi stops the bullets and reflected them back at him which he rolled out of the way.

He pulled the trigger but realised he ran out of ammo so he drop his rifle as Waluigi glare at him while more soldiers came over and open fire at him which he had no choice but to escape.

He race towards the exit and once there sees a few soldiers having trouble locking it so he kick one to the ground, quickly picked up his pistol as he shoot two dead and kick the door open and called out.

SMG4 x harem x Op male reader: In the world of memes and idiots Where stories live. Discover now