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As Hughy and his dad walk towards the washroom, I begin to enter Hughys room.

"Where are you going champ?" Hughys dad asks

"Oh ughh I though Hughy was having a bath" I respond

"Yeah both of you are, come on" He answers motioning me to follow

I hadn't realized that I would have to share a bath with Hughy.

We enter the bathroom and Hughys dad takes his sons shirt off and starts the bubble bath.

"Ok Hughy, go pee pee and poo poo now before I get back" He said as he left the room quickly

As I turn back around, I realize that it was an actually order. Hughy bends his knees going into a squat, his face becomes concentrated as he lets out a few grunts. But within no time, a few farts are heard, followed by the crackling of poop as it drops into his diaper. Within seconds, the back of his pamps are hanging low to accommodate for the large mess in the rear, and I'm left standing in the room with the stench of his full diaper in the air,

"Well done bud" His dad says reentering the room

Like before, I watch as Hughys dad lies his son down, tears of the full diaper and begins wiping his messy bottom. When finished he hands me the dirty diaper.

"Can you throw that is the trash for me?" he asks

Hesitantly I oblige, taking the diaper which was still very warm. I give it a small squish feeling the mess smursh around inside before throwing it in the trash.

As I return I see that the bath is ready and Hughy is already inside.

"Alright Brent, strip down and jump in" Hughys dad says

I was a little shy, changing in front of others, but I eventually worked up the courage and take off my clothes. I quickly step into the bath and sit down. It was nice, and luckily the bubbles covered up most of my naked body.

Hughy is quick to play as he takes some fluffy bubbles and places them on his face.

"Look I have a beawd" he laughs

I follow suit and place some on my head to make a hat. With these bubble creations, I don't realize the slight pressure in my stomach. But before I can hold it, a fart escapes my butt and reaches the surface making bubbles.

My face flushes red as Hughy sees this. We make awkward eye contact for a moment before a smile reaches his face.

"You fawted!" he laughs

I smile in return, relieved of the reaction. But all was not fine, as Hughys laughter causes him to have a small accident. I watch as the water begins to turn a faint yellow, it is clear that Hughy is peeing.

I quickly stand up to try and evacuate the tub but am blocked by Hughys dad.

"Where are you going?" he asks

"Out of the tub, Hughy peed" I said

"Oh, your fine, its just a little pee, it wont hurt you" he says placing me back in the tub

I sat down gingerly as I looked at the faint yellow water. Again, I reminded myself that Hughy was 4 and accidents happen. Plus, it wasn't the worst thing. In fact, besides the colour you couldn't even realize he peed.

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