New Neighbors

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"Ugh Game over again" I said

This stupid game was impossible. I was doing so good but typically, nature called at the wrong moment and I had the sudden urge to use the washroom, thus distracting me and causing me the unfortunate loss.

I quickly dash to the washroom and relieve myself. But this short trip was a definite mistake as when I open the bathroom door, my dad is there standing in the hallway.

"Hey did you see the new neighbors moved in?"

"Ugh no not really"

"Ok well, lets head over and introduce ourselves" he said

"Ugh no dad I don't want to meet them, I'm playing a game"

"Well you can spare a few minutes of your loses in your brain rotting game. Lets go" he demanded making his way downstairs

"Uggggghhhhhhhhhh" I groaned as I reluctantly followed him down the stairs

While walking downstairs, I give my dad a slight glare and put my shoes on as we go to meet our new neighbors next door.

I drag my feet with each step across the pavement to make it present in my dads mind that I did not want to do this.

"This better take 5 minutes" I say

"It will take however, long it takes. Be polite!" he said as he rings the doorbell.

A minute later the door opens up. A large man appears in the door frame, he has a scruffy beard, and little bit of a beer belly. I guess he's in his late 30s.

"Hello, how can I help you gentlemen" the man asks

"Hi, its nice to meet you we're just your next door neighbors and we thought we'd stop by and introduce ourselves" my dad said shaking the mans hand

"Well that's so kind of you" He said

"Please come in lets have a beer" 

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