Chapter 6 - Oh God

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The first guy that came out came towards me with a knife and slashed X's down my arm making me scream in pain.

When he finished the other guy came with a gag and put it in my mouth to keep me from screaming so loud and then he started punching and kicking me like I'm his personal punching bag until I was covered in more bruises and a black eye.

The other men came with the metal  sticks and started beating me over and over again and even broke my ankle.

At this point if I don't do anything they might just kill me.
I couldn't summon my spirits so I had only one option...

To use my elemental powers.

"ELEMENTAL DRAGON ROAR!" I mumbled behind the gag and the next thing I knew was that the place was even more destroyed and I was sitting in a huge crater in the ground.

I could barely move but I forced myself to stand and limp out of the crater with a broken ankle.

After a few hours of limping I collapsed in the forest I was in and passed out.

When I woke up I was in the same spot I was in when u passed out and the second I tried to move the pain came back but even worse again.

As I used my elemental moon power I found out that it has been 3 days and found that I was still 4-5 days worth of walking away from the guild.

This going to be a pain.

About 3 days later of walking and taking breaks I passed out again.

The next time I woke up I realized that the poison was getting worse and knocking me out for more days because this time I was out for 6 fucking days!

After a few more hours of walking, an animal came and started attacking me. Oh god damnit. For fucks sake leave me alone.
I killed the animal and cooked the meat from it to eat.
When I was done I continued back to the guild.

FINALLY! I'm getting closer to the guild because I hear people in the town talking and hanging out.

When I exited the forest and started walking down the street people stopped and gasped seeing how hurt I was but I kept walking- well basically limping.

Minute's passed and I entered the guild hall and everyone looked shocked , sad , confused or all of them when I entered and they saw how bad I was beaten.

"Lucy! What happened?!" Levy said,
"Just a quest I went on. Got stabbed under my Breast with a poison pincer,
bitten by a poisonous snake, kidnapped and chained to a wooden post,
beaten with metal sticks, punched, cut with knives,
got my ankle broken, made my way back but passed out for 3 days, walked for 3 days, passed out again for 6 days, got attacked by an animal, fuck I'm sore.
I can't be healed because of a damn curse I got from the fight with fucking scorpions.
And I'm going to pass out again..."

I summarized before I blacked out.


Natsu's POV~

When Lucy entered the hall my eyes widened when she came in. She looked like she got blown up and then beat over and over again.

When levy rushed to her she told her and everyone one else what happened and then just ended it with "and I'm about to pass out again..."

Damnit how the hell did that happen.

"Wait what question did she go on? She said something about scorpions." Popsicle said.

"Ya and who gave it too her?"
Someone else said but what shocked me the most was what lisanna said.

"I did. I gave her an S-class quest but made sure i removed the print of it and gave it to her. I already knew that she couldn't do it and see what happened? Hahaahahahh! I just need her to stay away from my Natsu. Honestly I wish she died instead but whatever. So Natsu you can see how wea-"

She was cut off from being punched across the guild hall and outside. And when we all looked back we saw Lucy with an angry devilish look but what shocked us more was that she was healed and glowing bright gold.

The light dimmed down and went away but she just walked to lisanna, punched her again, then left the guild. Everyone was shocked, confused, and some were just out of it.

I jumped off the second floor and walked out the door to go and find Lucy and get answers out of her.

Who is she really?


𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕕𝕒𝕪/𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥!

~𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕣 𝔼𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕦𝕥~

The Elemental Dragon Slayer And Chaos Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora