Chapter 20 ~ What Lies Beneath Us

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I know I said this wasn't going to work out, but I hate when stories are discontinued so I'm going to finish this story!
Now let's gooo!


"Glad to see you still remember me"

I growl at him

"Why are you back?

"Aww, I came to see you little bro. I also have a family and I want you to meet them"

"So you had to kidnap me just for that?!"
I growl at him again as I strain against the chains holding me back.
"Woah woah, calm down. You look like a spoiled tomato when your angry"

"Where. Is. LUCY?!"

"Ohhhhhh. Was "Lucy" that blonde girl that was with you? Whoops I don't know where she is now"
He shrugged and turned around and signaled for someone to come in- and they did.

I saw first master Mavis with two guys.
"Sorry, I didn't want this to be the way for us to meet but these are my two boys: Larcade and August!"

They both just stand there and do nothing.




They grumbled.

"Why are your kids ugly?" I said looking at my brother- Zeref.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard m-

I got the air knocked out of my lungs from the force when Zeref punched me.
"What was that for?!"
"Don't call my beautiful kids ugly"

I roll my eyes, this is going to be long.

~Lucy's pov~

Ugh my fucking legs hurt~

I groan in pain as I walk aimlessly through the forest
I kept walking determined to find Natsu and get him back safely.

All of a sudden, I heard rustling in the bushes beside me making me more alert than before.
I cautiously crept towards the bush but two shadows jumped out, making me jump back.

I got into a fighting position as I switched to my Taurus star dress.
It was unclear of their intentions but I wasn't taking any chances.

Just as I was about to bolt towards the shadows, a deer came out of nowhere and ran right into the shadows.
But the sight I saw made my blood run cold...

As soon as the deer came in contact it froze and I saw its soul come out of its body while it turned black.

The deer didn't have a soul anymore and it became just like the two shadows... it was all black with piercing white eyes.

The animal caught sight of me and leapt at me, making me scramble out of the way to not get hit.
When I moved,
the deer couldn't stop in time and its horns went straight through the tree behind me turning it black as well but instead made it disintegrate.

More and more shadows came and I knew that I couldn't beat them.
There were even animals like; wolves, foxes, spiders, different types of bears, snakes, and more.

They all started attacking and throwing black shadows that either disintegrated things or took their soul.
I kept running as fast as I could, forgetting about my legs that were sore.

I was running for my life- literally-

A bear jolted out of nowhere from my right forcing me to react fast so I shot a beam out of my hand but it went right through the bear.
I had to duck but when I ducked, the tips of my hair touched it.

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