Chapter 5 - First Job

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Lucy's POV~

When I woke up I was still on the beach front but I was leaning on Natsu.
I looked up and saw him awake already and just looking down at me.

I checked the time to see that it was only 3:16 pm. I guess I didn't sleep for long.

I got up and Natsu got up as well. "I'm going to get an apartment and furniture for it." I said stretching.

He just walked away so I just decided to go and start looking.

Time skip brought to you by I'm tired~

When I finished getting my furniture and setting everything up, I went shopping for food and other necessities that I needed.

Now I'm writing to my mom again at my desk.

Dear mom,

Today I joined the Fairy Tail guild that I have been looking for forever.
I hope you're still in peace and taking it easy where you are.

I also got a letter from dad and he's coming for me again, I'm scared but I know I have to stay strong and make sure no one finds out about my power or they will take advantage of me.

I also met a guy named Natsu, he's cool but I guess you can say he hates me.
He gets kinda soft but I can tell he's annoyed with me and other people.

He kills people who annoy him and I got lucky when I first met him and sprinkled water on him.

I'm never doing that again.

Anyway I'm going to bed now, good night mom.

Love your daughter,

When I finished I sealed the paper and got ready to go to bed.

Zee next morning~

When I woke up I got dressed and went downstairs to make myself breakfast.
When I finished eating I grabbed my purse and headed towards the guild hall and I also decided that I will pick my first job.

I'm supper excited about it. I wonder what it's going to be like. I opened the doors and walked in and waved to my new guild mates that I met and went to the board.
As I was looking at different jobs Lisanna came over and said "Hi Lucy! I think this job would suit you!" I looked at her and I swore she had a hint of evil in her eyes but it went away.


"Thank you lissana"

"Of course!"

I read the description and decided that it would be good enough.

Kill scorpions that are destroying the town

Reward: 517,000 J

She stamped the paper and said that I can go ahead. So I thanked her and left.

Time skip brought to you by Natsu running into a tree~

3rd person POV~

As Lucy made it to the place she looked around to see if anyone was there but she then spotted someone waving her over to where they were hiding and she  asked for details on the scorpions.

" They have poisoning pincers  and they are super huge like about the size of a house! And there are about 6 of them!"

"YA! Please help us ma'am!"

Some of the towns people said.

Lucy nodded and said "I will get rid of them for you guys don't worry"

Everyone cheered and wished her luck.

Lucy's POV~

I made it to the town and spotted 2 of the 6 scorpions and changed to my cancer star dress.
I went up to one of them and slashed its pincer off and disable it from stabbing and poisoning me.

I then took my swords and stabbed it in its head but then its pincer grew back and almost stabbed me but I moved out of the way and it stabbed itself.
I then jumped on the other scorpion and changed to my Sagittarius star dress and shot 5 arrows into its head, 3 into his back and blew them up causing the scorpion to explode.


When I got down to the last scorpion, out of nowhere I got blown up causing me to go flying into a run-down building.
When I tried to get up pain spread through my entire and when I looked down I saw a poisonous snake and a pincer impaled in my mid torso under my left breast but not to close to my heart.

I also saw that the pincer and stuck in the wall behind me and I couldn't move unless I pulled myself out off the pincer or as I move I pull the pincer with me.

Fuck, the snake is getting closer and the pain is getting worse as the poison is spreading through my body.

I then looked around and saw no one near so I tried healing myself but when I did I saw a curse mark appear on my arm.
I then realized what the mark represented...

...I can't heal myself  or be healed.

Shit I'm screwed.

I used all my power I could to pull myself out of the pincer and it. hurt. like. hell.

Once I got up I felt pain in my ankle and saw that the fucking snake bit me. Damnit how could I forget about that.
I stabbed the snake and tore it off of my ankle and walked out the building with a hole inside of my mid torso and a bite mark on my ankle along with bruises on my stomach, arm, and legs and cuts all over my body.

When I exited the building the scorpion turned toward me and tried to crush me but I moved out the way in time and shot more of my Sagittarius explosive arrows.

I then changed to my Taurus dress and punched the scorpion in the gut and then jumped up and changed to my Leo dress and kicked the scorpion
Till I knocked him out and then I took the chance to stab and kill him.

Finally I killed it.

My body was worn out and my body was aching all over but I forced myself to get up and get back to the towns people only to see that they had a post set up in a Jesus type style and they all had weapons aiming at me.

"You really thought that you did it huh? Well guess what? We were the ones that were controlling the scorpions so that way they could wear you out. We just need a nice lady and you seem fit. Now, we're going to break you."

The quest giver said, with a sinister grin. And  just like that everything went black.

When I woke up I saw that they chained me to the post that I saw.

My body was still sore from the fight but it was worse than before, like it was unbearable

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My body was still sore from the fight but it was worse than before, like it was unbearable.

After a while a group of men came in with knives, metal sticks, and a gag.

Who the hell are these people?


𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕟𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤.

          ~𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕣 𝔼𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕦𝕥~

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