Jealousy Flows Through Your Veins

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What was this fool up to now?

Arthur locked the doors behind us. He slowly turned to face me, his right hand hidden behind of him. Chills ran down my spine. His face was petrifying. Had he always harboured that gruesome expression on his face? An expression of jealousy, disgust and malice?

That's when it hit me, like a slap to the face. Arthur did not want to talk. How foolish of me to willingly walk into the trap placed by my murderer. I held my breath and held onto my belly. Whatever this man had in store, I would have to face it for the sake of my unborn child.

Arthur smiled at me. A smile that, to the average man, appeared to exude warmth and kindness. To me however, it was his awful attempt of shadowing the wickedness of his true intentions.

"How doth thou feel, Your Highness?" He inquired gleefully.

"W-What doth thou desire?" I croaked in fear, failing to appear mighty. Please. My story cannot end right now. Not like this. Not after I finally won.

He chuckled under his breath. "Thou finally achieved what thou craved hmm? To gain the status of Queen. How doth it feel, to shatter mine dream? To destroy mine drive to live?"

I did not respond. All of my focus was directed towards my safety. I wanted to prepare myself, in the off chance Arthur tried something that would endanger me and my child.

Silence filled the bedroom. A cold breeze from the balcony tickled my skin.

"Answer me, witch!" His face became daunting once more, breaking his facade of joy.

"It......It feels be Queen, Arthur." I managed to choke out.

He laughed uncontrollably whilst raising his head in the air. "Good......Good.....I like that thou love it." His jarring voice echoed throughout the room.

The room was silent again. Only the sounds of my fearful breathing could be heard. He had planned this. All along he had planned this. Choosing to do this to me whilst I was pregnant, waiting until I had completed my test so that I was weakened, waiting until I had gained the crown to deter any uproar and calling me to a room away from the crowd. It was all calculated.

Of course, he was not fully to blame. If I had been more aware. If I had paid attention to his mannerisms more; maybe I could've prevented this event. Maybe I could've ended this demon.

This does make me wonder....
"Arthur, how long hast thou despised me?" I questioned him, with all the courage in my soul.mHow long had he hated Grace?

"Since the day you were formed in your mother's womb."

We stared at each other for a while, buried in our own thoughts. I dared not to say another word, in fear of irritating him. I can't risk anything. I can't risk the life of my child.

"You know, Grace. You have it all. A mother who had always loved you. A father who is powerful. Fortune which transcends lifetimes and the future of Queen nestled neatly before you."

Ha. Me? ........Having it all? How hilarious. Misfortune has accompanied me since the day I was born. A mother dead by childbirth, a father, fallen from his 'throne' and a brother riddled in disease. Both despised me greatly. Poverty hugged us tightly and riches were far from reach. Writing my story brought a sense of relief. It was a safe haven if you will. Everything I had ever wanted, I had written in my story, with some key elements of life apparent. Although my story was a complete fantasy, I wanted it to feel 'in reach'. To give the illusion that my story could somehow become a reality. I guess I was right. It was possible. Look where I was now.

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