A Mirrored Version Of You

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It has been exactly six days since my last talk with Theodore. He has sent toys, gowns and other gifts for his daughter. Vendetta.

I honestly don't mind. The less I see of him the better.

I don't need a reminder of his betrayal every time I see his horrid face. But there is a reminder. His child. His only heir, Vendetta. The little thing has barely touched three weeks, yet already shares characteristics of her mother.

That bright red hair. That pale skin. Those emerald tinted eyes. It was Loraine in the body of a newborn. She had come back to haunt me. To get revenge. I know it. I know it. I know it.

"I have to get rid of it before it tries something. History cannot repea-"

A loud cry echoed down the hall. It was Sincerety. She cried and wailed. As if she was begging me to stop thinking of that witch's reincarnation.

I ran down the corridor and into the nursery. As I stepped into the nursery, the crying ceased. There, I met Isabella.

My right hand maid. She was bottle feeding little Sincerety, who looked more than relaxed. She then gently placed Sincerety back into her crib, who fell asleep immediately. That little angel. She was the only living thing I cared for in this world.

She looked like a spitting image of her father, William. Pure black, curly hair with sky blue eyes and olive brown skin. She was perfect. We look so much alike. Or should I say, her and Grace look so much alike?

I've even heard rumors spreading in the kingdom that Sincerety was actually my daughter and that I had only lied to save face. Those were the only rumors I liked. Sincerety was more than welcome to share the same look as me.

I slowly walked over to her crib, and gently placed a kiss on her forehead. "Worry not, William, I will always take care of her." I whispered under my breath.

I turned to face Isabella. She was standing in the corner of the nursery. She smiled at me. She was touched by my kindness towards Sincerety.

"Y-Your highness........if I may inquire...." Isabella said timidly. She was new to the castle and was still getting used to seeing royalty and riches everyday.

After the incident with Loraine, many of my servants had witnessed Loraine's death. Some started to spread lies amongst my people. They tried to blame me for Loraine's demise while others started selling the information they knew, to other kingdoms, Algoria was competing against.

It got to the point where I even started to question myself. To question my sanity. Was I wrong? No. I obviously  wasn't. It was Loraine's fault. I am not wrong. It was always Loraine's fault.
Curse you, Loraine.

Is that why you came back? Through that child of yours? Do you think you scare me? I'm not insane. I'm completely fine. I'm  completely fine.


As for my ex servants. They were all executed in the town square. Every last one. None were loyal. Except Isabella. She stood with me even when I didn't stand up for myself. She believed me.
She reminded me of Grace's mother. Queen Ruby of Algoria.

She was known for being a kind and uplifting woman. Everyone aspired to be her. Everyone, including Grace.

I remember writing a chapter when Grace was a little girl. Experiencing her fourth winter. Her mother would always play with her in the snow, read her bedtime stories and cook her favourite meals. She did not act like a Queen towards Grace.
She acted as a mother. A true mother.

Grace missed her dearly.

I remember writing when Grace woke up on a sunny day. The sun shone brightly in the sky. Commending her for waking up early.
With a broad smile and a gleam in her eyes, Grace looked around the castle for her mother. No sign of her.

She asked the servants, they shrugged their shoulders. She asked William. He said he did not know where she had gone. But she knew, he knew. She could see the look of pity and sorrow in his eyes.

Finally, she decided to ask her father, the King. I remember writing Grace feeling nervous. As if her heart were about to jump out of her mouth. She hadn't spoken to nor seen him in months. Their contact was strained.

Would he remember her? Would he want to see her? She fumbled with her fingers as she stood in front of the doors to the throne room. They were at least 30 feet high and weighed 250 pounds each, for the King's safety.

A guard sounded the horn in such a way that indicated that a royal blood relative wanted to speak to the King.
The guards mercilessly pushed open the doors which took about a minute and a half, for it was protocol to open the doors in synchronicity.

She stepped into the throne room. It was filled with gold, diamonds, expensive leather, jewelry and all the riches you could think of.

She looked up. There sat the King, her father. He was seated in a lazy pose, glaring down at her with his demonic eyes. She gracefully walked up to the throne then bowed in front of the King.

"State thy query." Said the King, in an annoyed tone.

"Your Majesty....." She hesitated. "Where is the Queen?"

There was a long pause. Then he finally spoke.

"What queen? As thou should'st know. The Queen of The Golden Arches hath currently passed aroint and she wil-"

"Not that Queen! The Queen Of Algoria! Mine mother!" She shouted." I care not about The Golden Arches!"

"Where is mother?! What hast thou done with her, thou monster?!" She demanded. Anger and sadness clear in her voice.

There was a long pause again, until suddenly, the King motioned his hand towards Grace. The gurads rushed towards her and she was promptly thrown out of the throne room.

Grace never heard from her mother again after that day.

Two years passed and Grace was six. She was playing with the fallen flower petals in the garden when William suddenly walked up to her with a little girl next to him.

She looked around eight years old.
"Grace, hark dear, this young lady shall be living with you in the West Wing from this day onwards, as per instruction from the King." William said in a strict, yet kind tone.

He then left them by themselves to get to know each other.

"Good day, mine name is Princess Grace Thorne. What's thy name?"

"Umm.....mine name? Mine name is....Loraine Humus."

"Loraine? That's a beautiful name for a beautiful person. I hast a feeling we are gonna be really good friends." She extended her arm.

"..me too." She muttered out as she shook my hand.

And that's how it all began. Right after the Queen's disappearance, Loraine creeped into Grace's life.

I wonder where Grace's mother was. I had not gotten the chance to write about where she had gone off to; yet I had written it in such a way which implied the King's involvement. Considering how things have played out so far, I wouldn't be surprised if he was responsible.
Was the Queen still alive? Or did the King get to her first? I hope she is happy and safe, even if she is without Grace.

"Ummm.....Your Highness...?"

I snapped out of it.

"Yes? What troubles thou, Isabella?"

"I was just wondering if thou would be attending the Ball, Your Highness."

"What Ball?"

"The ball hosted by Prince Felix, Your Highness. His mother passed aroint a few years since and now he is finally celebrating his coronation to become king of the golden arches. The ball shall be in just two days. I didst not until preparing for't so i was just wondering. "

So what I'm hearing is that there is a royal bachelor that I was unaware of. Jackpot. I'll see you in two days, Felix.

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