Enhance My Lies

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The guests were all packing there belongings and leaving. My wedding had come to an end. I had wanted it to last longer but other celebrations were yet to come.

"Congratulations Grace!" My uncle shook my hand enthusiastically. "Thou art now Queen Of The Water Element! How doth it feel, huh?"

"I feel overjoyed and overwhelmed at the same time." I sighed.

"Haha. Worry not, thou shall get wont it after a couple years. That's exactly how thy father felt." He reassured me somewhat kindly in a bitter tone.

"If thou say so." I responded.

I looked over my uncle's shoulder. My cousin, Prince Arthur stood a few feet behind him. He had his hands in his pockets whilst he stood in a lazy pose. How unbecoming of a royal. He saw me looking at him. He avoided my gaze nervously. What was up with him?

"Grace, I do not crave to worry thou right after thou hast become queen. "

My uncle interrupted my train of thought.

"But there is something I need to say to thou."

My uncle. Prince Liam of Algoria was in charge of Algoria's legal and justice affairs. He enforced the law and kept Algorians in shape. In other words, he was the backbone for the king. What I am trying to say is, due to his line of work, he was close with all of the guards and he knew about Rosa.

"Let it slip, uncle." I said, honestly tired of the pressure I had been subjected to since I had graced the crown.

"One of thy guards helped Rosa 'scape from the dungeon." He whispered in my ear. "Overtime, he purposefully poured seawater towards the metal cells bars so that they would rust, making it far less troublesome for the prisoner to 'scape."

I emitted an audible gasp. One of my guards? My men? Would betray me? How dare they?

He continued. "I am still investigating the matter, I will report to you when we find 'the one'."
He leaned away from me and was about to walk away with my cousin.

I grabbed his arm. "Find them and bring them to me."
He looked surprised, then smiled. "Yes, Your Majesty."


I had only just arrived home, at my castle and had just finished my bath when there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Your Highness?!" Leroy shouted.

"I am here, Leroy!" I answered as I hurriedly wrapped a robe around my body.

The door opened ajar, with Leroy's head peaking in.

"Prince Liam is awaiting thou, Your Highness." Leroy said in a half concerned tone.

"Thank you, Leroy." My face twisted into a grin.

Leroy closed the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Had my uncle already found the traitor? I knew I could rely on him.

I hurriedly dressed myself in a nighttime gown then made my way to the dungeon, where my uncle most likely was.


"Look whom finally came!" My uncle bellowed.

"I didn't take that long, didst I?" I said, with humour.

"It doesn't matter, I hast a surprise for thou!" He said, whilst he grasped a bar from the cell gate which rested behind of him.

"It is not much of a surprise if I know what it is, dear uncle." I said, genuinely tired of his unwavering happiness.

"You are such a sour lemon. Thou art very much like thy father."

I rolled my eyes.

"Without any moe distractions!" My uncle said as he swung the cell gate open.

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