Chapter 53 (my baby)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but Ari we're getting married soon which means I should at least have a say in how many children we have." I roll my eyes I didn't want to hear it. It wasn't the 1900 hundreds anymore Y/n had no right to control how many babies I had.

I should just get pregnant again after giving birth to our baby.

"Ariana are you mad." I ripped Y/n's arms off of me and I walked away. I grabbed the bags from today went upstairs and then slammed the door shut behind me.

I started pulling at my hair as I walked back and forth aimlessly I felt my anger boiling over I just wanted to punch Y/n so she could feel what I was feeling but I promised her I'd stop acting so violently.

I grabbed the bags and then dumped the contents out onto the bed. Baby toys and clothing covered the bed I felt like sobbing. Why doesn't she want another baby with me?

The only reason she agreed to have this baby with me was because she felt bad. Because she felt like she had to. If so I'd rather her not be here in the first place so my child wouldn't have to grow up with someone who didn't want them.

I grabbed the baby onesies and held them I felt sleepy all this crying always seemed to make me sleepy nowadays. Maybe that was my body's response to stress and helped me calm down I hear stress is bad for the baby.

I put all the clothes and toys back into the bag and got under the covers it didn't take long for me to fall asleep. The warm blankets along with the cool breeze from the air conditioning made it the perfect temperature. And the super soft pillow along with the feeling of my warm soft fiancée

.... Wait, fiancée. I opened my eyes and I was cuddled up next to Y/n she was still awake playing a game on her switch. I found myself getting sucked into what she was doing.

She was playing Minecraft and was in creative mode building something. "Y/n when did you get here." Y/n put her arm over my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "A good twenty minutes. You've been out like a light."

"Being pregnant is exhausting." I cuddled up close to Y/n resting my head on her chest. "Yeah but remember you're not alone it takes two to tango." Thinking back to what I had been crying about I started getting emotional

"Y/n you want to have this baby right," Y/n responded her eyes not wavering from her game. "Yes of course plus I'm the one who didn't wear a condom so it's only right I be there for the baby." I groaned that was the last thing I wanted to hear.

I pulled away from Y/n and looked away from her I couldn't look her in the face right now.

"What's the matter." Y/n finally put her game down and looked at me. "I don't want you to be there for our child because it's the right thing to do." I mocked her voice. "I want you the be there for our child because you love them and you want to be there for them."

Y/n stayed silent for a few minutes. "I'm sorry I-I." I snapped at Y/n. "I what! I what Y/n!"

"I don't know." I scoffed. "You don't know what Y/n what is there for you to know."

"I don't know." I was starting to get pissed off. "Do you not know anything."

"I do know something." Y/n took my hands. "I know I love you."

"But you don't love our baby." The words came out cold like steel. "I do love our baby I'm sorry okay I should not have said what I said especially when I didn't even mean it" I pulled my hands away and turned my back to Y/n.

𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟 (an Ariana Grande x Y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now