Chapter 21 (k bye for now)

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as I'm writing this Ariana Grande and Dalton broke up..... maybe she read all the fanfics and decided that maybe the fans were onto something 🤭


Fixing my pants I was practically dragging Ariana towards the stage platform where a table and chairs sat and in each seat were the other dancers. We were both dressed in our outfits for the first four songs and 10 minutes before the show was scheduled to start Ari decided she wanted her holes pleasured and as the spineless girlfriend I was I gave in. And when I heard the opening countdown mid-sex never in my life had I felt a wave of adrenaline so powerful.

And at that moment in time, I felt bad for the wall that I was fucking Ariana on. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a crack on it now. And Ariana being the little cheeky fuck she was couldn't give to shits that the show was starting late.

"There you two are. We were thinking we'd have to call security to come and bring you two." Scott jokingly jabbed at us as we sat down next to each other. Her in the middle and I was on her left. "blame ms grande." Ariana kissed my cheek "Oh please you loved it." She took her mic from one of the management guys and cleared her throat.

It's probably groggy from all that screaming she just did.

And as she began singing raindrops. the crowd erupted into cheers. Slowly the platform rose along with the table and all those who were seated in the chairs. Continuing from raindrops she went into god is a woman. And just like we practiced we did the choreography in perfect sync. And when Ariana hit her high note I swear I felt a vibration throughout my body I'm talking balls and all.

We then moved the table and chairs around the stage. Turning it into three tables and a couple of chairs in preparation for bad idea.  With Ariana standing up in the middle with me, Taya, Darrion,(pray for his soul his haircut was fucked up), and Mao on the table all sexily. But in all honesty, I was uncomfortable. The position I was in was all style no practicality and I also forgot my compression shorts so my dick was very much visible because these pants were no joke when it came to tightness.

"Welcome to the sweetener world tour." The instrumental for bad idea began to play and we disbursed like mice and partnered up. I was with Mao and for most of the choreography for the first verse, we were just grinding on each other. I'm surprised she even let me. Wouldn't be surprised if Scott had to get on his knees to convince her.

With the chorus coming on we started to actually dance instead of just dry humping each other. And the back-back dancers. Moved the tables around back to how they originally were. While the front dancers aka me Darrion, Mao, and Taya danced with Ariana.

Going from a bad idea we went on to break up with your boyfriend and I think that's when Ariana realized I had forgotten my compression shorts. Though it wouldn't be hard to notice when for half the entire song she was at crotch on her knees in front of me.

And once we got off stage Ariana took the end piece of her microphone and hit it right on the tip of my dick. (Think of it like getting punched in the clit ladies.) and I have never been so betrayed in my entire life. But then Ariana said she'd give me head after the show so I got over it.

About five minutes had passed and we had gotten R.E.M down as well as be alright. And we're now on Sweetener and it was undoubtedly my favorite song to dance to. And it sounds way better live than on the album. Though the fact it was about Skeet Davidson would always make me laugh cry. But then I'd remember she's making a song about how bad she wants to ride my dick and I get over it.

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