Chapter 13 (we'll get through this)

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I wonder do famous people read the fanfics about them

-Y/n POV-

Putting my hand on my stinging cheek I was left without words and my mind went blank.

"Ariana! What the fuck was that for!" Turning my attention from Ariana toward Veronica who looked pissed "Stay out of this Veronica it doesn't concern you."

Veronica scoffed "Yes the fuck it does. You just slapped my friend and hurled insults at my other friend." If there is one thing I could always count on it would be friends staying loyal and picking my side no matter what unless it was truly my fault. "Just because your some perfect pretty princess pop star doesn't mean you can just treat my friends like shit."

I could feel the tension rising and the last thing I wanted was a fight between two of my favorite people. So I picked Jasmine off my lap placing her onto the both and grabbed Ari's hand standing up from the booth I dragged Ari away from the group through a lounge area separate from the club that reeked of sex and cigarettes and out another door that lead to an empty parking lot.

"Alright, Ari talk to me what's gotten you so angry." I gently caressed her cheek only to get pushed back. "Don't fucking call me 'Ari'. I'm so pissed off with you Y/n."

"But why." Ari stared at me for a second and it seemed me being clueless made her even more angrier "You want to know why I'm angry." Ari grabbed my shirt collar pulling me down so we saw eye to eye. "It's because you keep letting that hussy touch all up on you. And you don't even seem to have a problem with it despite the fact you have a girlfriend." Her voice began to crack "And it hurts even more because I know you can tell that Jasmine still has feelings for you and instead of shutting her down you let her advance on you. And it's pissing me off." Dropping my head I felt a wave of guilt wash over me.

"I'm sorry. Your right I was in the wrong and I shouldn't have been better." Ari smiled "It's okay I forgive you." Sighed "I just wished you'd act more like Malcolm."

I felt a pain in my chest and my throat tightened. I didn't know when Ari started to compare me to Mac Miller and I didn't even know what I did to remind her so much of him. All I know is that whenever I did something Mac wouldn't have down Ari would always tell me to act more like him. And how he would have never done what I did. But I'm not Malcolm and I'll never be him and sometimes I feel as if I will never be good enough for her.

So I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. Or at least annoy her and one way to do that was to seem unfazed by what she said or to at least act like I don't care and be more interested in my phone.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I went onto Twitter and made some stupid post about how much I loved Ariana. Just cause I'm mad doesn't mean I'm not gonna stay loyal.

 Just cause I'm mad doesn't mean I'm not gonna stay loyal

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