Chapter 43 ( my baby )

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Part two of Kinky October coming up next
I didn't forget

Mhmh bathroom sec

—Y/n POV—

"Alright Y/n it's your turn," Scot asked me. were all and when I say all I really mean. Courtney, Victoria, and Scot hanging out in our room drinking and playing cards. We had started the night playing Uno.

We then went on to play Monopoly where I'm pretty sure I was racially attacked by Ariana. Or maybe she just wanted to bother me and now we're playing two truths and a lie.

"Okay let me think." I wanted to come up with a good one. It's not hard to make something believable if everything is wack.

"So I've gotten my dick stuck in a Pringles can." True. And at that moment everybody stared at me as if I was chugging vodka straight from the bottle. "Ariana isn't the only celebrity I've hooked up with."

"WHAT!" Ariana screamed out. Her head snapped in my direction and she started glaring at me. "Who was it? Was it Beyoncé?"

"Shut up Ari let the girl finish." Courtney intervened. "Baby if I got with Beyoncé I wouldn't be with you. And my last name wouldn't be l/n it would be Knowles." Ariana glared at me she looked ready to pounce. And not in the sex type of way.

"And I used to lick batteries when I was a kid." Also true. "Alright Y/n you've taken the cake on this one."

"Who was it? Who did you hook up with." Ariana had a look of hurt on her face. She could not be serious right now. "I don't know. Can't tell you until you figure it out." Ariana puffed and crossed her arms.

"I'm going to guess the dick getting stuck is a lie," Scot spoke his voice laced with uncertainty. "Same. We know you have a big dick but it can't be that big." Courtney added.

"Well, I think it's the licking batteries. What child in their right mind would lick a battery." Victoria spoke and then proceeded to chug her cranberry vodka mixture. "What about you Ari." Ariana looked at me and then turned around. She was obviously very upset.

"Well, you are all wrong. The lie was that I hooked up with another celebrity." Courtney sucked her teeth. "Figured. Should've known that you'd never get with anyone but Ari." I chuckled. "Trust me there were many before Ari."

"What." Ariana's voice came out soft and broken. Shit. "Uhm..Ari I..." Akwardly Scot, Vic, and Courtney looked at each other. "I'm gonna turn in for the night." Victoria stood up from the sofa grabbing her stuff. "Yeah, same. What about you Scot." Courtney added.

Quickly Scot downed the last bit of his drink and then gave Courtney a thumbs. "Good night you two." Scot chuckled nervously. "Don't break the bed in." Courtney joked making Victoria slap her ass.

"Get some rest, you guys." I waved goodbye to the trio as they left and then turned back to face Ari. She was now wrapped up in a blanket and I could hear sniffling from underneath. "Jeez. You make one joke about seeing other women and now she's crying." I mutter under my breath.

Slowly I lifted the blanket. Ariana was curled up in a fetal position holding my hoodie in her arms. "Ari you okay." She shook her head no. "Is it my fault?" She nodded her head yes. "I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" She didn't move her head but instead looked at me.

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