chapter 36 (kiss me)

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I'm starting to wonder where this story is even going.


I held my crotch in my hand gently squeezing my dick not for pleasure but for relief. And no Ari wasn't back on her dick-biting shenanigans. It was because I had just read a story where this dude's girlfriend fractured her dick and the thought of that happening to me put a pain in my penis.

"Why are you grabbing your dick." Ariana's voice gained my attention as she sat down next to me a computer in hand with a questionable sight pulled up on the screen. "Did you know you could fracture a penis?" Ariana stared at me confused. "You can? Kinda just thought it was all muscle." Ari placed the computer down on the small table in front of us and then proceeded to prop up her phone.

"We'll I just read a book where this dude's girlfriend fractured his penis. and god when I looked up what that looks like I could feel the pain from my tip to my balls." I closed my legs squeezing my penis. Ariana chuckled "Well at least I know how to punish you if you ever piss me off over the edge."

I stared dumbfounded at Ariana and then looked at my Willy Wonka. She wouldn't she." Ariana gave me a toothy grin reminding me of all the dick abuse she's given me. She would she definitely would.

"Do you have the list baby?" I stared at Ariana trying to remember what list she was talking about. "The activities list." Ariana stared at me annoyed. "The porn list." I let out an ohh and then nodded my head. "I still can't believe you agreed to this." Ariana typed away at her Macbook. "Ehh it'll be fun right."

Last night cuddled up together I came up with the stupid idea of watching futanari anime together. And when I said anime I meant hentai aka porn. I've even asked the fans for some recommendations because I've heard of the many horrors that pool around futanari porn.

"Yeah. I wonder if the fans thought we were being serious." I chuckled and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "Whether they decided to believe us or not we're doing it." I started to chuckle.

"So what are we starting with" I shrugged. "I don't know. I've never watched shit like this before." Ariana looked at me as if she couldn't believe what came out of my mouth. "Really. Then what gave you the brilliant idea of us doing this."

I put my hands in my pockets and chewed on my cheek. "I don't know I just thought it would be a good bonding experience together," Ariana mutters something under her breath and starts laughing. Ariana grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I hope she wasn't going through my phone again because that would be very annoying.

"Alright, I found one I want to watch." Ariana nudged my shoulder and started typing away at the questionable site. It was a hentai site. And a few seconds later a picture pulled up. "Countdown conjoined. Is it going to be like Beyoncé's song Countdown?"

Ari shrugged and then handed me her other ear pod. To think me and Ari were about to watch hentai together on her private jet while the rest of our coworkers and her mom and Nona slept. I hope she doesn't wake up because it'll be awkward to explain what we were watching.

(I just want to say I don't know what gave me this idea and the... "Anime" in question is actual anime.)

Ariana pressed play on the first episode and relaxed back in her chair. And in the first few seconds of the show, two girls were fucking in what seemed to be a Photo Booth and this lady walked in on them.

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