Chapter 22 (things are getting tough)

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Can y'all pinpoint the moment I changed the direction of this story

—Ariana POV–

Stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body I heard Y/n laughing about something. "What's so funny baby?" y/n rolled over to face me "Just talking to my moms. They told me a funny story about my little brother and my dog Gnocchi."

"Well tell them I said hi." I walked over to my suitcase and opened it up taking out some clothes "Okay. Mom's Ariana said hi. Yeah, she can't talk now she's just got out of the shower." y/n whistled "Hey sexy." looking back at her I rolled my eyes and then continued to get my stuff.

Closing my suitcase I walked over to the table in the room I took over when some of my clothes slipped out of my hands. Bending down to grab it I noticed my missing air pods piece that I had misplaced for a good day or two.

Looking under the bed to see if there was anything else that I hadn't noticed I lost. When I saw the small baggie of weed and edibles still under the bed. I had completely forgotten about it and it seemed Y/n did as well because she didn't seem bothered by it missing. Maybe she didn't need it anymore.

"Hey, babe have you seen where my weed went? I've been looking for it but I can't find it." I felt my body freeze and slowly I stood up "Why do you like weed." Y/n chuckled "You say it as if it's some nasty ice cream flavor or a type of sauce that you don't like." I rolled my eyes "Why do you use weed? Are you upset about life? Is that why you get high." Y/n looked at me like I was speaking gibberish. "What makes you say that."

I sat down on the bed and started to put my clothes on "I don't know. But like what other reasons would you have for being high."

"I mean you get drunk all the time off vodka. And I'd think that would be worse than doing weed." I groaned "It's not the same thing. I drink at parties and celebrations. You've started doing edibles and smoking more often than usual just for whatever reason." I wanted to look back at her to see how she reacted and to see somewhat how she felt. But I knew if I did I would break and just start kissing and cuddling with her. And right now I needed to be serious.

"What is there to say." I scoffed "How about the reason you've been smoking so much." Y/n cleared her throat and then whispered something under her breath. "I enjoy smoking weed for fun." Putting on my clothes I huffed. "Lie again."

"What." My head snapped back to her. She laid back on the bed all sexily. I had to pinch myself to bring myself back to reality. "I said lie again." Y/n scoffed "I'm not lying." I started to scoot closer to her "Back when we first met you told me that you only did edibles for fun. And if you ever smoked weed it was because you were stressed out. So don't try and fool me." Y/n rolled her eyes. "If you already knew. why did you bother asking." I scooted even closer "Because I want you to admit it." Y/n glared at me "Admit what." I returned her action

"that you're becoming addicted to weed." Y/n rolled her eyes "I'm not getting addicted Ariana. And even if I was I'm a grown woman if I want to be addicted then it's my choice, not yours."  I gasped "And you don't think me. Your girlfriend. Would have a problem with that." Y/n scoffed and pushed me away from her "Whatever Ariana." She got out of bed and grabbed her phone "I'm going for a walk."

Tears began swelling in my eyes "Whatever. Just leave like you always do after we fight so I can myself to sleep. And suffer in loneliness." Y/n sighed and then sat back down on the bed "Ariana did it occur to you to think and wonder? 'Hey, maybe I should ask why Y/n is using her weed more often instead of accusing her of becoming an addict.'." I felt awkward and looked away

I hadn't even thought about asking her why she started using it more often. I just thought she was becoming dependent on it to take her out of this strange world. Known as being famous.

That's what Malcom did.

"Ariana you're the reason why I've been doing weed more often than usual." I felt as if my stomach dropped. "What?" My voice cracked. "You keep stressing me out and every time we fight I feel like fucking shit so I turn to the weed to make me feel less shity. And calm me down so we don't end up in situations like this." I bit my lip and looked the other way "And you hiding the weed from me. And getting mad at me every time I smoke isn't pushing me away from it. If anything it's pushing me closer to it."

"I just love you so much." My voice cracked "I worry so much for you. Because I can't stand the thought of losing you." Y/n sighed and fixed her posture "Well maybe breaking up is what we need."

I shook my head repeatedly. My throat tightened and tears started to swell in my eyes "No. no. no. That's the last thing we need to do." I grab onto Y/n's shirt wrinkling it in the process "We can work this out. Don't give up on us so soon." I tried to push my tears back, act as if I had no tears left to cry but I most certainly did have lots of tears left to cry.

"We have some internal problems we need to fix. And until we do that our relationship isn't gonna get better." My grip on her shirt tightened "We can go to couple counseling. We'll get through this baby. We'll get past this." I started to choke on my tears "I'm just all fucked up on the inside and filled with baggage." Y/n slowly looked back at me and pulled me into her arms.

"I'll stop crying about him. I won't ever compare you to him again. I'll forget about him." Y/n moved a strand of hair behind my ear. "No Ariana. I don't want you to forget Mac Miller and I don't want you to just stop crying over him. I want you to heal your heart." Putting her hand on my chest I began to sob "But how am I supposed to heal it without you."

Y/n stuttered "I don't know." I held Y/n tightly "Please." I began to plead "You've been so understanding and you've been so good to me. And I know that I've been putting you through more than one ever should. And I'm hating myself cause I know how much it hurts you. But please." I stuffed my face into her shirt I couldn't even fathom looking at what expression she was making

"Don't give up on us don't give up on me." Feeling her arms tighten around my body I relaxed under her touch "Okay Ariana. I won't give up on us." I felt a wave of relief like no other "But you gotta let me smoke even if it's just once a week." she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers "So please trust me. Trust me I won't fall into addiction. And trust me when I say it's just for fun." Looking away from Y/n I slipped out of her arms and hopped off the bed. Walking around to the side of the bed I knelt and got the bag of weed and edibles from under the bed and tossed it to Y/n. "So you did hide them." I slowly nodded my head. Y/n sighed closed the bag and tossed it back to me. "I don't need it." I felt a smile tug at my lips.

Y/n opened her arms and tossed the weed bag onto the nearest table and dove into her arms for a warm hug. "Wanna watch scream queens and laugh at how amazing you were as channel number two." Nuzzling my face into her chest I nodded my head.

I grabbed the bedsheet and covered both of us. Rain began to pour down making a relaxing pattering sound throughout the room. I felt as if all my baggage began to fade.

So Ariana supposedly has a new man. And he is 🤮 in my opinion and like I highly doubt it I'm just waiting for Ariana to post a video about how this is all a lie and just some stupid rumor. Because jeez she is not beating those serial cheater allegations. Though it ain't got nothing to do with me ima just keep writing my fan fiction ✍️

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