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Hermione woke up from Ginny squealing about Harry making to the quidditch team and how proud she is of him I felt proud too pansy was happy for Blaise too so was Astoria but she was proud for Theo. And today they have training, i went to the cafeteria I saw Draco walking towards me but didn't say anything and walked to Blaise as if we were strangers it hurts cause I like him Hermione blushed when she realised that she like Draco but she decided to ignore it because she felt that Draco hates her now.
Draco pov:
I sat next to Blaise when he started the conversation with "so are you and mione together yet?" I told the boys last night that I confessed to Hermione. I replied "no...she didn't answer me yet and now I feel like she's avoiding me." Theodore said "she isn't trust me she needs time to answer." Blaise replied "yea dude you will get her soon anyways we got to go for practice." I nodded and ate quickly.
Hermione pov:
I couldn't eat with the thought of him hating me then it hit me I like Draco. I like him! I told the girls, pansy said "omg gurl you're in love!" I laughed and said "cool down and I'm not later once he's done with practice I'm going to confess." Pansy clapped her hand with excitement and exclaimed "you're kids are going to be so hot and don't worry about Ron." I nodded.
Third person pov:
An hour has pass and the girls were going to meet up with their boyfriend but it started raining, but I Hermione didn't want to wait so she ran down to the quidditch pitch, she saw Draco walking in the rain while the rest of the boys ran to shelter. She chuckled and ran towards Draco. Draco was surprised but concerned as she said worriedly "mione what are you doing out here it's raining." Hermione chuckled and said "I like you." Draco repeated "you like me?" Hermione laughed while nodding, Draco cupped her face and smash his lips to hers Hermione kiss him back it was rough and passionate Hermione pulled away and catch her breath Draco smirked and hold her hand as they walk to shelter. But didn't know that Ron saw the kiss and was furious and jealous. The boys clap and cheer due to kiss Hermione smiled and kiss Draco one more time. Draco bought Hermione back to the dorm so that Draco could dry her as Draco was doing that Hermione look at draco with big brown doe eyes Draco use his finger and put a strain of Hermione hair behind her ear, Draco leaned in for a kiss as he softly place a kiss on her lips Hermione smiled and said softly "I'm going to shower then we can watch a movie." Draco nod and kiss her cheek as he let her go change. After 15 minutes she came out with wet hair and in her pyjamas, Hermione sat next to Draco, he's hand was on Hermione lap as they started watching a show she played with Draco's ring, after watching half the show Hermione fell asleep on Draco's shoulder, Draco off the tv and carried her to her room and place her on her bed when Hermione pulled Draco's collar, he fell into her bed as Hermione hug him like a cushion Draco smiled as he kiss her good night.

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