Time for decisions.

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The weekend came and went, and (Y/N) had been awfully quiet on her group-chat. Despite her friends' desperation to find out what she'd decided to do; their offers for help and support, she'd opted to withdraw instead. Not that they could blame her — who on earth could act rationally in her situation? An ex-boyfriend had shown up again, in the midst of her finally reconciling that a group of boys she classed as "friends," had essentially betted on her virginity; that she'd grown feelings for her best friend, and feelings for another who'd lied to her face.

Monday morning was a shock for all. (Y/N) stepped out of Trent Boyett's truck, her face sullen despite the smile she forced upon it. He sat in the driver's seat, waving her off as she walked into school. Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors alike gawked in a concoction of awe and surprise at the sight before them.

"Oh fuck." Red said, hitting her vape as she leant against her car, her arm around Wendy. "I guess this means we've lost her back to Trent again."

Wendy slapped her girlfriend's arm, furrowing her brows at the unnecessary statement. "Hey! That's not it. Look at her, she looks miserable..."

Nichole shook her head, a sympathetic look in her eye. "I wish she'd speak to us, she always bottles stuff up until we find out."

"She looks awful..." Bebe trailed off, before realising that what she'd said wasn't too flattering about her friend. "I mean! She looks great, just like (Y/N) always does, just..." She couldn't find the words to describe how she truly felt about her friend back with such a mean guy. "She's seen better days." The blonde decided upon, hanging her head down and hiding her glances behind her curled bangs.

(Y/N) on the other hand hated the unwelcome stares. Slut shaming coughs clouded her mind as she traipsed through the halls at school, practically begging for someone to put her out of her misery and just say the words she'd played over and over in her mind.

You did all of that, and for what? Attention? Desperation? What about college?

You whore.

He had given her a kiss on the cheek, her left cheekbone still hot from where his lips met hers. Yet all she felt was guilt. Insufferable guilt.

Craig was on crutches. She noticed him leaving his parents' car as she entered school. He acknowledged her with a shy glance, before stumbling his way into class. It made her feel sick.

She'd finally come to terms with what had happened between them, yet suddenly the emergence of Trent ruined everything.

Ruined everything.

She gasped, holding her index finger between her lips. That was it.


"Woah, you look 10/10 bro!" Kenny said, patting Craig on the back. Craig's solemn gaze met Kenny's sarcastically sparkling eyes, which quickly turned to empathy once he'd realised his joke hadn't quite landed in the manner he'd desired.

"Hey, dude. I'm sorry."

"S'alright, McCormick." Craig slurred out, his jaw still swollen from the beating he took the previous Friday. He looked at Kenny with deeply forlorn features. "It's over now anyway. (Y/N)'s with Trent, 'n we gotta look at College now."

Kenny sighed, pulling his unruly, dirty blonde hair back with a scarred palm. "Craig, I'm not somebody who'd give up a fight this easy, but..." He trailed off, biting his pinky nail before setting his eyes upon Craig's dejected face once again.

"(Y/N) likes you. Actually likes you. More than she does Trent, or any of us losers. He may be a big guy, but even he knows you're better for her than he ever will be." Kenny ended, smirking, albeit with a poignantly negative attitude. The blonde was dejected at his on rationale, but nonetheless, it was true.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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