Time to make a move.

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(Y/N) and Trent Boyett had been dating since Freshman Year, when he came back once again from Juvenile Detention. He was a pretty big douche when he arrived at South Park High School, sworn to enact revenge on the boys for wrongly sending him back there for a second time. That was, until, (Y/N) showed him around the school as a new kid, due to his 3-week late arrival to the school, and lightened his mood. It was a strange sight to see for everyone; the once menacing, cruel, and nasty Boyett boy attempting to woo (Y/N), who in all truth was the complete opposite.

(Y/N) has always been a bit of a smart-ass; not to the extent Kyle Broflovski and Wendy Testaburger are, but not too far off. She's a popular and well-liked girl, yet mostly keeps to herself, and refused to get involved in the antics that often occurred during her peers' younger years. She is pretty too; maybe not as much as Bebe and Red are, but certainly up there. So for someone like her to have decided to accept Trent Boyett's advances, well, it sure was a shock to all. However, it was certainly a huge relief to a large portion of the boys in her peer group that his attention was no longer on getting his vengeance.

The couple were in their final year of High School, and, despite being together for 3 years and 4 months, they had never done anything more than just kiss. It wasn't that they didn't want too, more that circumstances didn't warrant them going further; Trent was always getting into some sort of trouble with the Law, even thought it wasn't his fault, and (Y/N)'s Parents' own disapproval of the relationship made it even more difficult. That's why, as (Y/N) poked with pure disinterest at her grey cafeteria food, her best friend Wendy Testaburger offered a suggestion.

"Say you're staying at mine, (Y/N). Then you can leave your phone there and I can text your Mom if she messages you, and if they bother to track your phone, it will just say you're at mine?"

Wendy Testaburger is one of, if not, (Y/N)'s best friend. A lot had changed about her since she was in elementary school. Firstly, the last time she had ever kissed a boy was 4th Grade, and it was her last ever boyfriend, Stan Marsh. Secondly, Wendy is a lesbian. She realised that the reason her attempts to fix weren't working was simply because he wasn't a girl. She and Red McArthur then later struck up a relationship, and have been inseparable ever since. (Y/N) stared languidly at Wendy, and sighed, before replying.

"Wendy, what if she calls?"

Wendy threw her head back and laughed. She stated, "girl, they've never called you before when you've stayed over. Why would they suddenly start now?"

Bebe chuckled. Bebe Stevens only got more attractive as she got older. (Y/N) and her became extremely close in Middle School, after they had a spat over a boy which quickly turned into a huge friendship once they realised the boy was trying to make them both his "side-chicks" to his relationship with a girl in the year above them, Tammy Warner. She was a big fan of the opposite gender, but, as a true girl's girl, never let it get in the way of her friends' interests and escapades. She added, "seriously, (Y/N), you're 18 years old and the only virgin left apart from Lisa Berger, and she's totally gonna do it with her boyfriend anytime soon. Plus, they've only been going out for 3 weeks!"

The rest of the girls cackled. (Y/N), still poking at her food, which had oxidised and turned slightly brown as it cooled down, glanced over at Lisa and her new man. He was a Junior, and their love of band had made them really, really close. So close, that (Y/N) could see her rubbing her leg against his at their table, as his face flushed red. (Y/N) sighed loudly, and turned to look at her boyfriend, Trent, who was sat with Craig's gang on the opposite side of the cafeteria. It's not like she didn't want to go further with Trent, she really did. It all just seemed so stressful. He was very handsome, and she was kind of annoyed that she was basically the only virgin left out of the girls. It made her feel so left out during sleepovers when everyone would talk about their sexual encounters when all she could offer was tonguing at most.

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