Time for the truth to come out.

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A/N: Phew, everybody hurts... I can't stop causing problems for the characters LOL



(Y/N) put her phone down, immediately turning her head to the door. From where she sat, she wasn't able to see Stan, as Kyle's back blocked him. She felt her heart drop into her stomach unexpectedly; a random sensation of dread washing over her like a cold ice bath. Her heart began to pound in her chest - whatever was about to happen wasn't good, and she could sense it.

"I need to talk to you." Stan's voice was cold and unwavering, his harsh tone slicing through the air. (Y/N) could only imagine his facial expression, picturing a dark demeanour that appeared stony on his face.

"I-I can't right now, I'm busy." Kyle stuttered slightly, clearly unnerved by seeing his best friend at his door step, acting in such an unnerving manner. There was a long pause, as neither boy said anything. (Y/N) knew it was only for a few seconds, but in that pause, the tension around them grew exponentially.

"Is (Y/N) here?"

(Y/N) felt sick. If Nichole was right - if (Y/N) was the reason Stan and Kyle were on bad terms right now, then whatever would come out of Stan's mouth next was going to be extremely awkward to hear, potentially even hurtful. (Y/N) opted to remain silent, waiting anxiously for Kyle to open his mouth and say something, to tell him to go away or leave them alone. But Kyle never spoke. Stan began to scoff.

"I fucking knew it. Well that's fine, I needed to speak to her anyway."

(Y/N) heard a shuffle, and she shrunk into the sofa more, believing Stan would push past Kyle any minute and enter the house.

"You need to leave." Kyle stated firmly, seemingly blocking Stan from entering. His shoulders were tense, and (Y/N) could tell that, even though she couldn't see his face, he was growing quite angry. His voice was stern, and, although seemingly impossible, the tension grew even thicker. There was another pause, before Stan spoke again.


(Y/N) remained silent. She wasn't sure whether to answer him or not - he didn't seem emotionally stable enough to interact with. Though, she was curious as to what he might say; what it could possibly be that he felt so important to come to Kyle's house and interrupt the two of them on their date. What it could possibly be that would make Stan hurt his best friend since childhood. She didn't need to bother responding, because Stan simply continued for her.

"(Y/N) - has Kyle told you about the bet?"


"Heidi, please - its not what it looks like!" Cartman pleaded with the brunette girl, who confronted him about the whiteboard in his basement. He frantically attempted to wipe the contents on it off, smudging it with his hands instead.

"Don't bother, I already took pictures and sent it to the girls. How could you?" Heidi spat, seething with rage, her usually cheerful and calm demeanour replaced with an infuriated one. Cartman shrank before her. He didn't usually care about what wrongdoings he committed, but he knew this time he was in deep shit, and not only him, but all of his friends as well. He knew he was fucked.

"Heidi, it was just a meaningless thing! No one was taking it seriously!"

"Oh really? How come there was a 'leaderboard' showing who was most likely to 'win' at the current time?" Heidi screeched, pointing a finger aggressively toward the area of the whiteboard displaying a crudely drawn leaderboard that displayed Kyle's name at the top. Cartman gulped.

"Please Heidi, it was just a stupid game - you have to believe me!"

"A game! A game? Is a girl's virginity a game to you? We thought the guys had good intentions! We even encouraged her to go for it! To fucking 'live a little'!" Heidi felt tears run down her cheeks. She had helped inadvertently encourage (Y/N) to pursue these losers who had nothing more than lust in their brains. "Now (Y/N) is at fucking Kyle's house! Fuck!" She kicked a stool over in anger.

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