Time to go back to School.

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"So, are you ready to go?" Wendy asked as she stood before the (H/C) girl, who had quickly finished the last of her coffee.

(Y/N)'s face soured as she felt her salivary glands twinge from the bitterness of the coffee, wincing through the sharpness on her tongue. Wendy had come to take her to School, with Red waiting in the car outside. (Y/N) shook her head rapidly in attempt to distract herself from the feeling in her mouth.

"Yeah, I am. Fuck, how do Tweak Bros manage to make their coffee actually taste good?" (Y/N) asked, pulling on her beanie and shoving her feet into her snow boots. Over the weekend, a heavy amount of snow fell, and due to the lack of public services in South Park, there was no way that enough grit would've been laid down on pedestrian paths to wear sneakers.

"Well, we could've gone to Tweak Bros if you didn't wake up so late." Wendy teased, grinning as she did so. "C'mon, let's go, before Red gets annoyed."

(Y/N) quickly shouted goodbye to her Dad, before trudging outside and toward the car. Red sat in the driver's seat, fiddling with the radio in an attempt to find a station that played decent music. Wendy sat in the front, whilst (Y/N) took a seat in the back.

"Hey girlie, ready to go?" Red asked, putting the car in gear. Her red pixie cut was almost entirely covered by a navy beanie, save for a few tufts that poked out from the back.

"Yeah, all good." (Y/N) replied, smiling back. Red nodded as she looked back at her in the mirror. They commenced the dreaded drive to school.

"They never have any decent stations in this town." Red mumbled, pointing for Wendy to continue flicking through the stations, to which her girlfriend complied.

"Ha, tell me about it. Just put the news on at this point." (Y/N) added, staring out the window as the houses and trees moved by. A thin layer of frost coated the edges of the window, and she began to trace her fingers on the glass, causing the condensation to grow on her fingertips.

"How are you feeling... about... you know..." Wendy turned to face the girl in the back, a look of concern lacing her features.

"I'm fine, honestly. You shouldn't frown too much, you'll get wrinkles." (Y/N) teased, trying to convince Wendy of her stability. In truth, she couldn't help but feel her stomach twist into knots from the anxiety of it all; she was afraid she'd have to interact with any of the boys involved - the boys who'd betrayed her. It was clear Wendy caught onto (Y/N)'s false assurance, but hummed in acceptance nonetheless, deciding to opt not to press her friend further.

"Oh yeah, have you told Tweek to meet us by the entrance? We'll be there in about 5 minutes." Red asked, turning left down the street that led to the School. Pulling out her phone, (Y/N) texted Tweek quickly, informing him of their impending arrival.

"I'm glad Tweek and you are on good terms, (Y/N). At least one of them had some sense." Wendy stated, albeit warily. (Y/N) nodded in response.

"Yeah... I mean, I was a bit upset he didn't tell me that's what they were all up to, but to be honest, I can totally understand his hesitation when he's such an over-thinker." (Y/N) replied, reading Tweek's response to her text. "He's already there now, by the way."

The trio pulled into the School's parking lot, parking close to the entrance so that they wouldn't freeze before they entered. Tweek waved briefly at the approaching group of girls, smiling nervously.

"H-Hey! How are y-you feeling today?" He stammered, flinching slightly at his own twitchy demeanour.

"I'm fine, thanks." (Y/N) smiled back at him, which put him more at ease. Red shot him her signature smirk, whilst Wendy, who still remained slightly wary of the blonde boy, offered him a brief smile nonetheless.

Time To Live A Little (various South Park x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang