Time to get free coffee.

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(Y/N)'s head felt like it was going to split apart from the heavy pressure that squeezed her brain. She was an ungodly level of hungover. Sitting upright, she groaned, noticing her futon had almost half of it taken up by a still-snoring Bebe, who had rolled over from her own onto the (Height), (H/C) girl's one. Grimacing at the drool that poured from the blonde's mouth onto what was supposed to be (Y/N)'s pillow, (Y/N) turned to blink at the intense sunlight that seeped into the room.

"Rise and shine girls!" Wendy beamed, her chipper voice causing intense pain at the base of (Y/N)'s, causing her to inhale sharply at the throbbing sensation.

"You look like total shit, (Y/N)." Red said, rummaging her fingers through the messy (H/C) locks on her friend's head.

"...Water." Was all (Y/N) managed to croak out, beckoning for Heidi to pass her the bottle that lay on the bed beside her. As her eyes adjusted to the light, (Y/N) saw Heidi, Nichole, and Red lounging on Nichole's king-sized bed, with Wendy sat on a bean-bag next to the window. Bebe was using (Y/N)'s leg as a body pillow of sorts, before (Y/N) pushed the blonde away back onto her own futon.

"So, (Y/N)... Do you remember much of last night?" Nichole asked, tentatively.

(Y/N) paused, and pondered for a moment as she downed her bottle of water. Slowly but surely, the memories of last night flooded into her head, and along with it, a deep, cruel wave of hangxiety. "Oh fuck." Was all she could muster out, putting her head in her hands as she cringed at herself.

"Hey, you didn't do anything wrong or embarrassing - so don't beat yourself up over it. We were just shocked that it was Butters, that's all!" Wendy quickly blurted out, offering some comfort to her extremely hungover friend.

"...Well, it's not like he's ugly or anything, he is pretty cute..." Heidi trailed off, before noticing Red's look of disgust. She continued, "What? You're a lesbian anyways!"

"I can still appreciate a good looking man when I see one. Hence why, despite how much of a cynical asshole Tucker is, or how annoyingly dense Marsh is, I can appreciate that they sure are smoking hot." Red responded, putting her hands up defensively. "Though Marsh shouldn't have bleached his hair, it sucks ass."

"Haha, you're such a dumbass Red. You're biased because they look like the male versions of Wendy." Bebe stated, apparently now awake, despite remaining unmoving and eyes-shut on her futon.

"Touché, Bebe. What can I say, I like dark hair." Red shrugged, sending her blushing girlfriend a wink. Bebe finally rolled over, sitting up and groaning whilst clutching her head.

"Fuck me, I need to know my limit more." Bebe stated, taking the water bottle from (Y/N) and standing up to go and fill it. "And Heidi's right. Butters isn't bad looking, he's just, what's the best way I can describe it... Well, he's just Butters."

"Ok, ok, I know that, but I'm telling you now, he's a pretty good kisser." (Y/N) responded, remembering about the night before. She smirked slightly as the recalled how soft and sweet it was.

"The boys didn't seem very pleased about it." Wendy recalled, thinking to how sullen and stroppy they all were.

"Yeah, remember how Kyle and Craig both argued about taking her home? Like any of us would've just been like 'of course, knights in shining armour'!" Red cackled, remembering how bizarrely the two were acting when they burst into the bathroom. "Oh yeah, good on you for telling Tucker to fuck off, (Y/N). I didn't think you'd have the balls to stand up to him." Red continued.

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows, thinking about what she would do about Craig. She definitely hurt his feelings, that's a given, but she also didn't understand why he was being so pushy last night. "Ugh, I don't understand what his problem was. He's never usually that pushy." She stated, contemplating all the possible reasons Craig would be acting so strongly.

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