Time to convert.

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"So, what's your plan? Or 'who,' more specifically?" Craig asked, putting his coffee cup down on the table. (Y/N), Craig and Tweek were sat in a booth in Tweak bros' almost empty coffee shop. Tweek elbowed Craig in his side, twitching as he did so.

"Craig! That's uh-agh! A little bit forward, what if she hasn't considered it yet?" He asked, frantically. He was concerned for (Y/N), and the stress she'd been through over the weekend.

(Y/N) glared at Craig, who stared back, eyebrow cocked in expectation. Despite the way he acted, he did like knowing the latest drama and gossip. Taking a long sip from her coffee, (Y/N) began to ramble.

"Honestly, I haven't really thought about it- Maybe I'll just wait 'til college." She said, sighing as she looked out of the window next to her. This was a lie. There was someone (Y/N) was slightly interested in, simply because he was the complete opposite of the usual type of guy she'd go for. He was blonde, granted, and she had up until recently been dating a blonde, but his character couldn't be more dissimilar. He was tidy, polite, well-mannered and popular with parents. He was intelligent too, and has upstanding grades, although not as good as her own, which meant she wouldn't feel academically inferior. Plus, he was handsome. The only problem was that he was a Mormon.

"I think Gary Harrison is cute..." She trailed off, still looking out the window.

Craig burst out laughing, clutching his sides as Tweek yelped in shock.

"Gary Harrison!" He twitched, knocking the table slightly. "H-How is that gonna work?" He screeched out, and when the few Goth kids that sat at a different table turned around to observe the commotion, he flung his hands to his mouth and whispered a quick sorry to them.

"Dude, unless you want to convert to Mormonism, there's no way that's gonna happen. They aren't even allowed to make out before marriage." Craig stated, wiping tears from his eyes and returning back to his default-stoic expression.

"I know that! I was just saying I thought he was cute, that's all." (Y/N) snapped back, slightly peeved off at how literally her friends seemed to take everything these days. "He's pretty much the only guy I'm slightly interested in, but I'm not going to wait until marriage. That's why I said I may as well wait until college when there's a bigger pond of fish to choose from."

"(Y/N) likes the Mormon?" A fourth voice asked. Stood at the edge of their table was Henrietta Biggle, who, despite having grown up significantly, was still a staunch Goth, although now had stopped the whole 'anti-conformist's shtick' after realising it made her as much of a poser as a preppy cheerleader would be, and thus became more accepting of other people and a friendlier presence. She continued, "I heard you were trying to get some?"

(Y/N) sighed in frustration. "I was trying to get some, with my Ex-Boyfriend. I don't know how or why people suddenly think that it's the singular thing I want to do - I'm not desperate to just sleep with anyone. Wait, how did you hear about that?" She asked the Goth girl.

"Everyone was talking about it at school: (Y/N)'s epic fail at losing her virginity." She stated, taking a big puff of her disposable vape. "Oh, and Red told me."

(Y/N) groaned in frustration. Red McArthur was going to be the end of her. "I just want to have fun and be a teenager - kiss a few people at parties and go on dates. If something happens then it happens. I don't understand why everyone is so interested in my business?" The (H/C) girl responded, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"People are interested because little miss my-doberman-boyfriend-will-kill-you-if-you-try-anything has finally been removed from the picture, you're essentially like fresh meat." Craig said, offering Tweek a napkin to wipe up the drips of coffee that adorned the table from the cup that shook in his grip. "The Mormon is clearly off limits, you must think someone else is cute?" He asked, turning his attention back to (Y/N).

Time To Live A Little (various South Park x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum