Time to cheerlead.

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The rest of the following week was largely uneventful for (Y/N) and her friends, though Friday meant they at least had something to look forward to; the South Park vs. North Park football game. Plus, (Y/N)'s parents would be going out of town for the whole weekend to visit her Grandma, so she wouldn't have to worry about curfew for Tolkien's Halloween party on Saturday. She contemplated having a small party at hers if no one else was able to hold anything after the match.

South Park and North Park held a deep rivalry for one another, with both teams equally being as talented as the other. It was usually neck and neck on the scoreboards. Because it was such a competitive game, it meant everyone who's anyone would come cheer for their respective team, meaning (Y/N) and her fellow cheerleaders would have to get their routine as perfect and impressive as possible.

The girls had practiced almost daily in the gym after school, in order to make sure that they had every move nailed before the game. The only issue at the beginning of the week was Clyde Donovan, who was so enamoured by Bebe and her ability to do high-kicks that he often distracted the cheer team with his hollering from the bleachers. Luckily, due to the hurricane force that was Wendy Testaburger, Clyde would quickly be escorted out before they wasted too much time.

It would be slightly cruel to Clyde to place sole blame on him for distracting the team, however. Prior to his arrest, Trent, along with Tolkien and Clyde, would be the only ones who watched the girls practice. Now, since Trent was out of the picture, more and more of their male peers had filed into the gym after school to watch. By Wednesday, the crowd of boys sat on the bleachers made it impossible for the girls to practice without feeling self-conscious, or being distracted by the heavy chatter. Thus, an angry Red began to scream at the boys, causing them to leave as soon as she'd threatened PC Principal on them. By Thursday, a new padlock on the gym doors became their best friend, and they were no longer plagued by horny High School boys. Just Clyde and Tolkien, who waited patiently (after a stern talking to from Wendy) for their respective girlfriends to finish.

By Friday, the School was abuzz with excitement for the game, with the team members wearing their Varsity jackets as opposed to their usual clothes. The cheerleaders were able to come into school in their uniform, but due to how cold the weather was in South Park, it meant skirts and tops under hoodies and sweats until the actual game. (Y/N) had her hair in (Hairstyle), in order to keep it out of her face. The School day was done, and it meant it was time to head to the gym for a few final practices before the game began. As she shoved her books in her locker, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Kyle stood behind her, holding out her phone.

"Hey, you left this in class." He said, smiling gently. He was also on the football team, so he wore his Varsity as opposed to the usual orange jacket he never seemed to be without. He'd also decided to take off his hat, which showed his soft, red curls rest on his forehead. (Y/N) thought he certainly looked better without the green ushanka.

"Oh, thanks." She responded, reaching to take her phone from out of his grasp. Before she could do so, however, he lifted it up out of her reach, smirking teasingly.

"Woah, hey. At least let me put my number in first. What's your password?" He asked, to which the (H/C) girl rolled her eyes and told him. He grinned, and put his number into her phone, before handing it back to her. "I've heard a lot of talk about you this week." He continued.

"What about?" She asked, tilting her head up in confusion. Kyle blushed lightly at her cute actions and expressions, before gaining composure.

"Oh, you know... About the routine... and uniform..." He said, trailing off quietly towards the end. (Y/N) scoffed and shook her head.

"Woah, I didn't take you to be a perv, Kyle." She stated, smirking. Kyle felt himself grow red in embarrassment.

"Hey! Its not like I said I wanted to see it, I just said that there's been some talk about it, that's all!" He stated, crossing his arms. He tried to steady himself, but his embarrassment got the better of him.

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