Time to start taking the bus.

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Monday was not a pleasant experience for (Y/N). Firstly, now that Trent could no longer pick her up and drive her to school, she had to take the school bus. That meant her heated car rides with a cup of coffee would now be replaced indefinitely with wet, sopping shoes, and an unreliable bus driver who didn't care whether or not they picked her up in time, meaning she'd have to leave a 20-minute window open to stand in sub-zero temperatures every morning. It also meant that, on this particular Monday, she would have the misfortune of Eric Cartman pointing and laughing at her as she got on the bus. Hopefully, that wouldn't be a regular occurrence, but, knowing Cartman's reputation for revelling in others' misfortunes, it most likely would.

Secondly, was the awkwardness of actually being in school. Of course, over the weekend, the gossip of Trent's arrest had reached every corner of the small mountain town, and so come Monday, everyone's eyes were on (Y/N), and everyone's minds were focused on why her boyfriend liked to "jack it" in public, alone, at the number one couples make-out point. Thus, everyone had also reached the same conclusion.

(Y/N)'s boyfriend likes to get off by watching other couples.

Now this wasn't true whatsoever, but that wouldn't be half as interesting as the idea that scary bully Trent Boyett was a little peeping Tom. As (Y/N) trudged through the hallways with her damp shoes squelching against the floor, she couldn't help but bury her face further and further into her scarf. People were pointing, giggling, whispering to one another, and (Y/N) was so, so embarrassed. She felt humiliated, not only because her boyfriend had completely lost any reputation, but also because she didn't manage to do it.

She'd have to sit at the lunch table, and every girl would know how badly she'd failed. And how she'd essentially locked her boyfriend up just for trying. Her boyfriend.

She swung her locker open with force, and it smashed against the locker next to her, with the owner whimpering a small "woah!"

(Y/N) glared angrily into her locker. This was all a fucking joke. The universe had made it clear that her and Trent weren't meant to be, and so, it was time to fucking move on, get over it, and find someone else that can drive her to school. No way in Hell is she going to spend the rest of her Senior Year listening to Cartman's jeers every morning and afternoon.

"Hey girl, are you ok? We heard what happened..." (Y/N) turned around to see Wendy and Red; the latter leaning against the locker next to her. Wendy looked extremely concerned, whilst Red looked uncomfortable and awkward - she wasn't used to these kinds of situations.

"You know what? I'm fucking awesome - yeah, never been happier!" (Y/N) screamed sarcastically, a little bit too loud. She slammed her locker shut, which caught the attention of passers-by. She continued, with exasperation, "Wendy, I am going to have to find someone to fuck before Lisa Berger gets there first!"

Wendy's mouth gaped open as Red howled with laughter. (Y/N)'s hands flew to her mouth in shock. She couldn't believe she yelled that out loud in the hallway, surrounded by gawking faces staring at her.

"Sorry bitch, got there first."

The trio turned around to see Lisa Berger smirking behind them, sporting a huge hickey on her neck and angling it at them like a gold medal. (Y/N) slammed her head into the locker and groaned, as Red gasped for air from laughing so hard. Wendy cringed in second hand embarrassment for the (H/C) girl, before patting her shoulder slowly.

"Fuck you Lisa. Lowkey... how was it though?" (Y/N) asked, forehead still pressed against the locker. All that embarrassment for nothing.

"Honestly, it hurts like a bitch, but at least it can only get better from here. You need to get some dick, (Y/N)." Lisa responded, before patting (Y/N) on the back and walking away.

"Hey, it'll be alright-"

"She's totally right dude. You need some dick." Red cut Wendy off, only to receive a glare from her dark-haired girlfriend. She ignored this however, and scanned around the hallway before a devilish grin adorned her face. "Oh Kyle~" she began, with a sing-song voice.

"Huh?" The red-head responded, as he stopped walking past to look at the trio, "oh, hey guys. (Y/N), you good?" he asked.

Kyle was a tall guy, the tallest in his little clique. His hair wasn't as wild as it was in his youth, with him opting for a short back-and-sides haircut. He still wore his green ushanka as much as possible, however, due to the self-consciousness he'd acquired from years of teasing as a kid. He was pretty cute, and it was surprising he'd never had a girlfriend.

"Hey guys." Stan waved next to him. Stan looked exactly like his Dad, Randy, as he'd grown up. The same cleft chin, unruly hair, and stubble adorning his jaw. However, unlike his Dad, he'd decided to bleach his hair, which led to some pretty awful roots. He was definitely the most handsome guy in his clique, and pretty popular with the ladies too due to his status as a quarterback, but he always stunk of beer, which was a bit of a turn-off.

"Kyle-y, our good friend (Y/N) here has had a pretty rough weekend, and she needs some cheering up." Red said, her grin so wide it may as well have reached the corners of her eyes. Wendy elbowed her.

"Oh yeah, I heard about what happened, I'm really sorry (Y/N)." Kyle said, his face displaying a look of genuine concern. Stan beside him wasn't as good with his words.

"(Y/N), he's a scumbag, if anything, it's good riddance. You can do so much better."

Wendy and Kyle both shot him a "dude, shut up." Before Kyle continued, "if you need to talk, I'm always here. We can sit next to each other in Math, 4th period, if you'd like?"

Red could barely hold her laughter in. (Y/N)'s forehead was still pressed against the locker, as she offered a weak thanks to Kyle. Red began:

"Actually, Kyle, you might be able to offer (Y/N) something more than just conversation. You see - (Y/N) was hoping to lose her virginity last Friday, but now thats failed, she'll need a new-"

(Y/N) slammed her palms against Red's mouth, before dragging her and Wendy to their first period, her face completely red. In the distance, the two boys could hear Wendy screeching at her girlfriend as Red cackled maniacally.

Kyle and Stan looked at each other in shock, before Kyle's face matched his hair colour.

"Did... Red just imply I should fuck (Y/N)?" Kyle asked, his head spinning with confusion.

"Dude. I am so fucking jealous right now, why didn't she ask me?" Stan frowned.

Kyle grinned with superiority. Maybe a girl had a crush on him. A hot, popular girl at that. And for the first time, a girl wasn't interested in Stan. He responded, "I don't know, maybe you're not her type. Maybe she likes me." A shit eating grin adorned his face.

"Yeah right, dude. Red probably just called over the first person she saw. How would anyone be able to see me when your big ass hat is in the way." Stan stated. Kyle frowned and started walking.

"Screw you."

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