Revelation | A NINETEEN

Start from the beginning

The rest of the alleged meetings were continuous boardgame matches. From puzzles to modernly invented ones I'd never heard of like Dead Winter. It was a little interesting but I certainly did not appreciate how much of my free time was consumed by it.

"You alright?" questioned Ash at lunch.

I nodded as always and took a bite of my chicken salad. Ashton hadn't touched her plate, simply eyeing me and had me wondering what was taking Liam so long so her attention could be diverted.

"You just seemed..." Ashton pressed her lips. "Kinda out of it in class."

"Out of it?"

"Yeah, I don't know. You're there but not really. Like you'd rather be somewhere else."

I was stumped. What sort of expression had I unknowingly been making to have her reach that sort of assumption?

"Sorry, it's nothing like that. I've just got some family stuff I was worrying about today," I confessed.

"No, it's not just today it's... " She trailed off, seeming to have a debate within herself and gradually reached a decision it didn't need to be said. "Never mind. Can the three of us just hang out today? We haven't done that in ages."

"What are you talking about? You and Liam came round to mine twice last week."

"I mean going out as in outside. Not in your hotel room. We had to go there because of your curfew, since those meetings take so freaking long. What's with that anyway? Is he even allowed to do that?"

I shrugged.

"Well it doesn't seem right. Even if you are a super geniuses, that much overtime is gonna hurt your brain."

"Technically, that's not possible because the brain doesn't have pain receptors so it wouldn't be able to feel-

"Shut up Stevie. You know what I meant."

I concentrated on chewing the tender meat and lettuce in my mouth. "I honestly don't, Ash."

"Is Garren bothering you?"

I paused. "Why do you keep asking me that? I told you, no."

"Because whenever I do, you get all tense. I don't need to go to a stupid psych class to know that."

I leaned back in my seat, appetite as stale as my lemonade.

"That guy's smart, as much as it kills me to say," Ashton began. "And I don't doubt that you're just as smart but he's messed up in the head, Steves."

What if I don't mind if he is?

The words chimed in my head so vivid and clearly that I feared I'd voiced it out, but Ashton wasn't giving me any funny looks. She definitely would if she heard the crazy things running through my mind non stop lately.

Then I'd risk losing the only kindhearted and good natured and real friends I've ever had. Taking risks wasn't wise.

"Okay. Let's hang out today," I said.

Ashton smiled. I smiled back.


As predicted, only Garren was present in the rec room when I stepped in.

"Oh, right on time. Well done." He said, assembling the pieces on a peculiar looking board. "I thought I'd pick the game this time."

I stepped closer, approaching his side but not past the limit I could sustain absolute control and derived it was a shogi set.

I could take a guess he picked it after losing to me at chess which he said was quote, his "strong point." Too prideful to call for a rematch, he was picking something closely similar to redeem himself.

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