"That didn't answer my question," Hadrian pointed out, picking out two other books he wanted to take with him.

"I don't know there obviously wasn't when we left," Carrow said shrugging his shoulders, "Why?"

"Just curious," Hadrian replied, "I was thinking of going flying for an hour or so later."

"You said the brooms suck," Lestrange said blinking in surprise. They'd been trying to get him to go out for a game of Quidditch for how long? And all of a sudden he wanted to go flying? Would he ever understand Hadrian?

"Well, there is that," Hadrian grumbled, "Honestly, I can't wait for the day they make a decent racing broom."

"Why don't you just fly yourself?" Tom pointed out.

Hadrian's jaw dropped, "Don't tell me you can do that already!" Hadrian couldn't help the whine in his voice, he really couldn't, and thankfully it wasn't too full on.

Tom just smirked at him, his dark eyes gleaming with satisfaction and self pride.

"Wait, you can fly too?" Dolohov asked his question aimed at Hadrian not Tom.

"I've done it once." Hadrian said slowly, but not in this body, and not alone, he thought to himself. "I've never actually tried to do it again though, and when I did do it, it was sort of in an emergency, my magic reacted I doubt I'd be able to do it again without training myself first."

Tom bit his tongue to stop himself from asking questions that would surely raise a lot of eyebrows. He was curious when Hadrian actually had learned, he had a feeling it was older than they were right now, probably a lot older and Hadrian had obviously had trouble with it judging by the fact he couldn't believe Tom had been able to do it so soon.

It was curious that Hadrian had the ability to do what he did pretty much, but he couldn't fly? Interesting, indeed.

"I've read those books; do you need information on them?" Dolohov enquired, reading the titles upside down.

"We've all read them," Carrow said amused, they were forced to memorise all books pertaining to pureblood society, so they were never unprepared for anything.

Including etiquette, laws and rules of elite society, it was by far the most boring stuff, but their parents always insisted it would be used later in life and if they wanted to be heirs they would be required to be able to recall this information at the drop of a hat.

"It's drier than mummies dust." Hadrian added, "I have no idea how you managed to remember any of it."

"It's important, especially when we come the heir, you really should have read it before you became Lord Peverell," Dolohov.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, sharply looking around and giving Dolohov a 'shut the fuck up' look, he didn't want anyone knowing about his status.

He'd rather it not get back to Dumbledore; he was annoying as hell as it was, without him knowing more about him. "I'd rather the entire school didn't know in time for dinner," he stated, his annoyance obvious.

Just then Rosier came jogging over, panting heavily, extremely out of breath. "Uh, can you come down to the common room that Taipan is freaking out the first and second years, it keeps slithering all over the common room."

"I thought you all liked snakes?" Hadrian asked innocently, and he pulled it off quite spectacularly.

"Not poisonous ones," Rosier squeaked, clutching his ribs as he tried to regain his breath.

"Alright, I'm coming," Hadrian shrugged, his lips twitching at the relief lit all over his face. "Just give me a few minutes." with that he took his three books over to the desk for the librarian to check out for him.

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