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Chapter 25

The relevant teachers began to enter the Headmaster's office along with Rubeus Hagrid who was still sobbing his heart out completely heartbroken and terrified.

Armando claimed his seat; while waving his wand and the appropriate amount of seats appeared so all the teachers could sit down as well as one scared teenager.

They all took seats apart from the current Care of Magical Creature's teacher, who was bent over examining the creature that had bitten a student. They all knew it wasn't a werewolf, the moon wasn't full.

Kettleburn brushed his hand over the fur, putting it to sleep with a spell so it wouldn't wake up - the pain it would be in was probably bad - better to do it humanely.

"What is it, Silvanus?" Dippet enquired his face a grim mask of worry.

"A werewolf cub," Kettleburn informed them, looking a cross between excited and aghast. He was known to be quite reckless, a prankster at heart, but he'd never gone as far to bring in a werewolf cub into a school full of children, it was usually himself the stunts he pulled backfired on.

"Isn't it a bit on the large side to be a cub?" the Head of Ravenclaw, Meadowes asked, glancing at the creature on the floor.

"Well, it has the name on a technicality; this creature was born to two werewolves who found each other on the full moon. The cubs were coined werewolf cubs and the name stuck, as it stands he is only nine months old, it still has some of growing to do." Kettleburn insisted, it was the size of a adult male human standing up, it was luck that Peverell was still breathing, he'd seen smaller animals maul a person in less time.

"Where Mr. Hagrid managed to find one and get it away from its pack is anyone's guess." it was pretty damn reckless and that was saying something since he himself was impulsive.

"It's alive?" Beery asked, looking slightly uncomfortable at being in the room with it.

"Barely," Silvanus replied blankly. "He needs help or he definitely won't survive."

"Mr. Hagrid, where did you get him?" Dippet asked, staring at the Gryffindor with sternness that warned him against lying.

"I'm sorry!" Hagrid boomed out his terror, wailing, "I didn't mean for this to happen! He's a good boy; he didn't mean ter hurt anyone."

"Mr. Hagrid, answer my question!" Dippet's voice got a little deeper as he got more annoyed; it was hurting his ears having to listen to him shouting like that. "Where did you find him?"

"Near where I live, in the forest of Dean," Hagrid blubbered out, tears running down his face as he stared at the floor unable to meet any of their gazes.

"What made you think that it was okay to bring a werewolf cub into my school?" Dippet commanded.

"I didn't mean for this ter happen!" Hagrid said once more, shoulders heaving as he finally quietened down vocally and tried to breath and calm himself.

"Armando he is only twelve years old despite how big he is, he's made a mistake, I'm sure I can drive home how serious it was during detention." Albus said soothingly, "I will make sure nothing like this happens again."

"Is there a chance of infection?" Dippet ignored his deputy for a moment as he turned to Kettleburn.

Slughorn paled at that pronouncement, he hadn't even thought on that possibility. He was extremely fond of Hadrian, the thought of the bright future being snuffed out due to possible werewolf infection was daunting and horrifying - this was one of his Slytherins for Merlin's sake, and he prayed to whichever deity might be listening for Hadrian to recover fully without a problem.

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