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Chapter 24

"What's wrong with you? You're acting like you've got a wand shoved up your backside, its Halloween, relax a little," Thaddeus said wryly, staring at the teenager who looked as though he'd just lost all his favourite books, toys and part of his body as well.

There didn't seem to be a reason for it either, usually something annoyed him. Unless just wakening up on the wrong side of the bed had done it, since he'd been in that funny mood throughout the day from the moment he woke up.

"That's my problem," Harry muttered with a grimace. Glancing over and arching an eyebrow seeing Hagrid hoarding food into his bag. It's something he had used to do, but then he'd been starved and it was mostly habit.

He wondered if Hagrid's appetite was as big as the half-giant would get in future. He already towered over all the students in the Gryffindor table, big and bulky, the amount of food he'd packed away said his hunger was just as big. He was distracted by his grandfather, who was grimacing in distaste at Hagrid for some reason, maybe they didn't get on?

"You don't like Halloween? Who doesn't like Halloween?" Thaddeus aghast as the others just chuckled as they listened.

Harry turned on the bench to stare at Nott curiously, "Let me get this straight, you all hate the fact the pagan holidays have been...stopped, but you like Halloween? I'll bet Christmas as well, who doesn't like getting gifts? Are you sure you're against Christian holidays as you profess you are?" Harry twirled his apple absently as he waited for a reply he knew probably wouldn't come.

Thaddeus stared indignantly, opening and closing his mouth but nothing came out.

"He got you there," Dorea Black laughed, from two seats down.

"He also changed the subject," Thaddeus pointed out, trying to change it back over to the previous line of conversation.

"Ahh, but it didn't make my questions any less true, you can't pick and choose which customs to follow its called being a hypocrite." Harry pointed out as he bit into his apple, it was a normal one he'd gotten from the kitchens earlier, and he didn't want the toffee coated ones.

He wasn't a child anymore, and never really had been. Food was one thing he'd never turn down though, but unlike the others (minus Tom of course) were gorging themselves on as much sweets as humanly possible.

He'd already put a select few in his bag for eating during the next few months. He didn't see the point in buying any when there was a table full for him to help himself with.

"Hadrian," Tom stated sharply, there was definitely something wrong with him; he was actually goading people in the Great Hall of all places. It was fine to do it with just the Slytherins around but not in front of the teachers and the rest of the student body.

"Yeah, yeah, wrong place wrong time." Harry grumbled, biting into his apple again, he hated this time of year, this day specifically, ever since he learned the truth. He rolled his eyes and ignored the inhales of shock at all sides, everyone else might be too afraid to stand up to Tom but he wasn't one of them. They should know that by now, honestly, you wouldn't think he'd been here for a year now the way they acted.

Tom just chuckled more amused at the looks of those around him than anything else. Although it was true, if anyone else had spoken to him like that they would have paid the price. He couldn't lead them if they didn't respect him and he intended to lead them, he had a world to change and change it he would.

Hopefully with Hadrian by his side, and not because of his knowledge, admittedly that would be a big help, he was a Slytherin after all, but just for the boy himself and his powers but those were just bonuses (his knowledge and power) in his book.

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