The Slytherins in his life before coming here had always been so calm, aloof and centred, even at the ball, it was odd to think they had been just like this excited as everyone else but just putting on a front as they did every day.

Just like he did as he exited the common room, he was a Slytherin now, always was meant to be, a sneaky smirk appeared on his face at the thought of the others reactions if they for one second found out that he was once a Gryffindor.

Not even Tom knew that titbit of information actually. Probably would never get to know either.

"You've been to a Yule Ball before, at least once probably more," Tom commented, his tone sure slowing them down so the others were further in front of them. He did not want anyone learning what he knew, he was very smug about the fact he knew about Hadrian and he would ensure nobody ever found out he would keep Hadrian safe from all and any threats.

Hadrian turned to face Tom as they walked slow, "Yes," he admitted cautiously. "Once," he added thoughtfully.

"What happened?" Tom demanded feeling jealous that someone had probably taken him to the ball that he wasn't getting to experience Hadrian's first time. The only thing that helped his jealousy was the fact Hadrian didn't seem to want to go, obviously something had happened. Something bad that put him off all balls.

"We uh, had to have dates, it was just a one time thing, special occasion because something was going on in the school," Hadrian admitted quietly, "Didn't care about taking anyone, but I kept being told I had to, so I ended up reluctantly picking a partner, shared one dance with them which resulted in me stepping on their toes more times than I can remember, they were bright red, she couldn't wait to get away from me," Hadrian laughed in amusement, shaking his head.

"And why did you pick a female partner?" Tom enquired genuinely confused, so much so that a small wrinkle began to worm its way onto his forehead. While it was unusual for two men to come out it wasn't something scorned, the only scornful thing about it is if they didn't have heirs, and there were plenty of women out there who prefer not to marry that could have a child for them, surrogates.

"Because I hadn't quite figured it out yet," Hadrian replied honestly, that and his life was a spectacle everything he did examined under a microscope, even if he had known he would never have thought of asking a guy, his life had been hellish enough as it was. Truth was he was too busy staying alive to give a hell about having someone in his life. "I've only ever really been attracted to one person."

"Who?" Tom tried to keep his anger at bay, he would obliterate that person from the face of the earth, and Hadrian would have eyes for only him.

"You," Hadrian snorted, rolling his eyes, he was still easy to anger, easy to get jealous, and when had it stopped being scary and started being funny? Even if he had been attracted to anyone else he would never reveal it, who knows what Tom would do.

Oh he knew alright, he'd bloody wipe out an entire line just so whoever it was wasn't born. Tom was never going to be a good guy, but he hoped at least to prevent some of the more radicalised ideas the pureblood's held.

"Good," Tom hissed into his ear, pressing him closer, putting his lips over the bite mark he'd given him feeling a sense of smug satisfaction. Everyone knew now, well those in Slytherin, but he would make sure there was no mistaken who Hadrian belonged to by the end of the night.

Hadrian pursed his lips, trying to stop himself from reacting but damn it, he was in a teenager's body, he was reacting like any other teenager would. He couldn't help it, it was so damn hot, it shouldn't surprise him that Tom was sexually advanced, and he was advanced at everything he did - good at it too. A shiver passed through him remembering the other night, Merlin if he hadn't been so exhausted he would have thoroughly liked to have continued.

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