Not an Update but please read!

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Hey y'all!

I am so so so so so beyond sorry that I've been MIA for the past few days!

With the semester coming to an end I have had to pull all nighters for project, to study, and with band practice on top of that.

Yesterday was my last home game, so that's one less thing keeping me from writing!

It's been a very hectic week, and I have not had time to sit down and write a good chapter like I normally do.

I have drafts, but they are not my best quality and I feel that y'all deserve good long chapters instead of short messy ones.

This week is Thanksgiving break, so expect a week FULL of new chapters and possibly whole episodes done!

I again apologize for not writing, updating, and being inconsistent these past two weeks but thank y'all so much for sticking by me and having patience with me.

The next chapter(s) WILL come out tomorrow!

Please let me know y'all's thoughts, or just anything you'd like to say!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the love and support.

I love you all so much!

I'll see y'all in the next one!🫶🏻

Wednesday (Male Wednesday x female reader) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat