Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 4

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"How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" I ask Thing when he comes back.

I am currently in a greenhouse for class, and Thing has returned from his failed mission.

"A lefty wouldn't have failed me. Don't sulk. I'm going to have to find new evidence myself since you lost our only lead." I reprimand him.

"I see you finally made a friend." I hear Bianco say and his friend snicker, "Even if it is a plant."

"I go for quality over quantity," I say glaring at him.

I walk toward the seats and notice a seat next to (Y/n), unfortunately, Bianco gets there first and sits down while smirking at me. (Y/n) glances at him then looks to me disssapointedly.

"There's an open spot next to me." I hear a voice beside me, "If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob."

I sit beside Xaviera, she is drawing a large black widow, she then hovers her hand over it, and it comes to life crawling toward me.

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Ms. Thorpe." Mr. Thornhill says.

"Admit it, you're a little impressed." She says winking at me.

I see (Y/n) tense out of the corner of my eye. She is glaring at Xaviera.

I whack the spider flat on the desk. I see (Y/n)'s little smirk, I inwardly smile knowing that she is jealous of Xaviera.

Wait, is that what I feel when other guys are near her? Is this what feelings feel like?

I do not like this.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." Mr. Thornhill interrupts my thoughts. "Now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?"

I see Bianco raise his hand, and look towards (Y/n) and wink. I beat him to the answer.

"Dendrophylax lindenii. Otherwise known as the ghost orchid. First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." I say quickly.

"Very good, Wednesday. You may have a competition for the second chair, Bianca." He smiles toward me, "Possibly even first if you can beat (Y/n)'s scores."


(Y/n) POV:

"(Y/n), perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities."

"Resilience and adaptability. It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." I say confidently, but Bianco adds on to it looking at me and smiling, then turning to glare at Wednesday.

"But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it." He says.

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. Nothing a Weedwacker couldn't fix." Wednesday says glaring back.

"You can most certainly try." He says trying to learn closer to me.

"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xaviera says.

Everyone chuckles at this.

"Thank you, gentlemen, for those illuminating insights. Clearly, the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." Mr. Thornhill says humorously.

We are dismissed from class, and I walk out. Edward and Alder come up to me gossiping about what happened.

I've noticed them getting closer, I hope they will get together.

"(Y/n)." I hear the boy who is a mystery to me.

"Hello, Wednesday. You have quite extensive knowledge of carnivorous plants. I didn't know they taught that in normie schools."

"No, they don't. My father is quite the venomous and carnivorous plant aficionado so I suppose I get my red thumb from him."

"Perhaps we can get together and discuss more deadly plants, do you know anything about the Nightshade?" I say, hinting at a secret I want to tell him.

"I do,  I would find that enjoyable, thank you." He says looking into my eyes.

I love looking at him. It is as if he is a living, breathing Greek statue. His skin is white as snow. His eyes are dark as obsidian, when I look into them it is as if I am drowning in the deepest part of the Marina trench. His lips look so full and soft as if a light pink sheet of the softest silk were placed on the surface of his mouth. His tall statue makes me feel small, but safe at the same time.

I can no longer deny it, I have feelings for Wednesday Addams.


Wednesday's POV:

"Would you like to accompany me to the forest? I have a feeling the sheriff didn't do a proper job of searching for the murder scene." I ask her. I feel the need to be around her. To protect her, and to not let other men around her.

"I would love to Wednesday. Can I run and put my stuff in the dorm and change since I am done with classes for today?"

"Of course, I will go also and put my things away."

We walk to the dorms to put our stuff up, and she begins to change.

I wait outside her door.

When she comes out she is wearing brown hiking boots, black leggings, and a (f/c) oversized sweatshirt.

She looks like a goddess.

Aphrodite would be jealous of the beauty in front of me. Her (short/medium/long) (h/c) is pulled out of her face allowing me to see her stunning (e/c) so clearly. I could get lost in them, and enjoy every millisecond of it. I stare at her lips. I want to lean into her and kiss her until she can't breathe. When I would be done with her the only word that she would think about, and that would be able to escape her lips is my name.

She will be mine. And only mine.

Mine to look at. Mine to think about. Mine to touch. Mine to talk to. Mine to hold. Mine to kiss. Mine to have. Mine to need. Mine to want.

And I will be hers.

No other girl will have my thoughts claimed, they are all hers. No other man will be able to occupy her mind. For they will all be on me.

Is this what my father feels for my mother?

The blind, needy, chaotic yearning for her.

The wanting to intertwine your every particle with hers.

The feeling of her breathe mingling with mine.. the minute our lips connect, I will cherish the feeling of her.

I have to know what it's like.

Hey Y'all!
I told you there would be more romance in this one!

I hope y'all are as excited as I am about the next one!

I'll see y'all in the next one!!

Word Count: 1,062

Wednesday (Male Wednesday x female reader) Where stories live. Discover now