6 ~ Thunderclap

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I wake up to a chill that should be characteristic of the storm that wrecks the world outside

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I wake up to a chill that should be characteristic of the storm that wrecks the world outside. But what I feel is so much less tangible, so much more... watery.

It makes no sense. Just like every other one of my thoughts, as I slowly sit up.

I'm in my own bed, and the world is just as... watered down as ever. Somehow empty. Senselessly blank.

"Alys?", her name leaves my lips as soon as the memories of the evening pour into my conscious.

My eyes gravitate to the window. It's night time. And I have that odd feeling again. I'm calling it odd, but I don't feel like it.

I almost... like this feeling. But it's wild and it should be unwanted, but it's-

My head throbs, so hard that I almost black out from the intensity of it. These headaches are everyday, but this intensity certainly is not.

"Alys?", I call again. This is when Alyssandra usually visits me. It's the one time every day that we get to spend some time together. And, while she is yet to cross the friendship line, I am eager.

There's this unrest within me that is somehow with regards to her, some force pulling me to her. A force greater than a mating bond.

An unprecedented shudder passes through me at the mere thought of her. My mate. Those stunning lavender eyes.

My mind almost wanders away, but something chains it. Probably my growing affections for Alyssandra.

I don't dwell on it. I won't entertain doubts about or against the one person who was there for me when I did not even so much as remember my own name. The one person who re-introduced me to the world and supported me through every step in this world which hand become freshly unknown to me.

Alyssandra said that it was the catastrophe of one night that had taken our memories away.

Witches. The weilders of the magic of the earth. Who somehow happened the loathe our kind.

No surprise there. Witches have always loathed our kind, every record in the pack library stands testament to it.

An unbelievably loud thunderclap startles me. I get out of the bed in search of Alyssandra's presence.

In search of that tea of hers that remains my favourite ever since the very first time she had hesitantly let me taste it.

Probably the moment that the realisation of my love for her had started dawning on me.


I wake up coughing a lung up. My throat is parched and I can almost tell that water will do nothing to soothe my thirst.

Pain lances all the way through my head and right down my spine. It is almost as if my entire being is revolting against itself. And with pain, comes unbridled rage. 

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