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**Black Magic**

I climbed through the window and landed on the carpet floor. Like a cat! I thought as I walked towards the girl's bed. I grabbed the knife from my pocket and onto the girl's neck.

"Ring around the fire," I began to sing through my mask as she woke up.

"What the hell?" She said surprised.

"Pockest full of knifes," I pushed the knife a bit harder onto her neck.

"Let go of me!" She squirmed beneath me, trying to get out of my grip.

"Fire, fire,"

"Stop singing!"

"We all are DEAD!" I pushed my knife fully onto her neck, making blood squirt out. She's dead. I soon heard sirens outside of her window. "Damn it. One of the fucking neighbors called the cops again." I went towards the window to see an officer with a megaphone. I went back to the girl's bed and sliced her side to rip out her kidney. I still owed E.J. anyways. I thought as I put the kidney in my pocket

"Come out with your hands up. This is the police." An officer said. No shit idiots, we all know that you're the damn cops! I thought again in my head. Soon the door opened to reveal the girl's parents. They gasped at the sight of me.

"Oh, you want some too?!" I yelled at them as I slit both of their necks, making their heads fall off. I sliced both of their sides and ripped out their kidneys. Two for me! Ha! I slid up my mask to the tip of my nose and took a bite out of one of a kidney before putting them both in my pocket.

"Once again, come out with your hands in the air." Yea I'll come out, just not with my hands up. I looked all over the house and luckily there was no more people. I ran out the back door and into the woods, eventually running into Slender Mansion.

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