Chapter 11

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((Author's Note: If you were already caught up to the end of Chapter 10 before today (November 15th) then you've already read this chapter.
I decided to split what I had for Chapter 10 into two to keep my words/chapter more consistent. But never fear, an all new chapter will be ready for you soon! ❤️))


Jonah turns his body to mirror the way I'm sitting. He leans one of his solid shoulders against the trunk of the maple tree and gives me a little smile. "Oh, jumping right into the nitty gritty and personal, I see."

I roll my eyes at his joke and copy the way he's leaning into the tree. "Do you have a better question to start with?"

He shakes his head with a grin, causing me to laugh.

"I didn't think so." I snap my fingers twice as if I need to get his attention. "So then? Answer me."

He grins again, then asks, "What do you think it is?"

"Hmm..." I think about it for a moment, then excitedly point my finger at him. "Yellow! You know, like the Batman logo."

Jonah laughs loudly, and his grin grows. "Yes," he agrees as he nods, "You got it."

I smile proudly at him and clap my hands together. "Okay, you guess mine now."

"I want to say green?" he guesses incorrectly, "Since you painted yourself green to be Gamora for Fan Expo. Plus, you can't resist my green eyes." He waggles his eyebrows at me, and I find great pleasure in getting to tell him that he's wrong.

"Nope!" I'm not going to admit that he might be on target about his eyes though. "I like red, but darker shades. Like a deep burgundy."

"I could see that. Burgundy is a nice colour. I bet it looks really good on you."

I feel a blush spreading across my cheeks but I attempt to come across as unaffected. "Autumn is just around the corner. You'll see me in lots of burgundy then and get your answer."

"That colour looks nice on you too," he speaks in a low voice with that charming grin of his spread across his face.

I glance down at my outfit. "Black?"

His fingertips lightly brush against my cheekbone, and I bring my eyes back up to his face.

"Pink. Your freckles stand out more when you blush. It's incredibly sweet."

Now my cheeks are on fire.

Jonah chuckles and tucks some of my hair behind my ear. "Ah, there's the red. Don't turn burgundy though, okay? That's a little too close to purple, and I think that's a sign that someone doesn't have enough oxygen or something."

I roll my eyes at him but there's nothing I can do about the smile on my face.

It's so stupid. I've been annoyed by every pickup line and compliment a jock has ever given me, but Jonah McCallum starts talking about the colour of my cheeks and the freckles on my face and I feel like I'm going to melt into a puddle.

"It's your turn to pick the question," I tell him as a way to change the subject.

He thinks for a moment and then asks, "What's your favourite song? Either, of all time or your current favourite."

I don't even have to think about it. "All Too Well by Taylor Swift."

He groans and then chuckles. "I should have known it was going to be Taylor Swift. That's not the one that's all "shake it off, shake it off", is it?"

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