Chapter 4

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Jonah stops short while I continue walking down the stairs. I glance over my shoulder to find him staring at Devon with an expression I've never seen on him before. He looks pissed off as if he's infuriated that Devon would announce to the party that we hooked up. It'd be kind of sweet if we weren't trying to convince everyone that we had done exactly that.

"Puck," I call out his name to get his attention before Devon notices the cold glare following him across the room. Jonah moves his eyes back to me, and I hold out my hand toward him.

"Let it go," I warn him under my breath once he's continued to walk down the stairs and taken my hand in his.

"What is wrong with that guy?" he grumbles in reply and I almost laugh. It's like he's just figuring out now that teenage boys are pervy assholes—well, most of them.

"Don't worry about it. He kind of did us a favour, right?" I remind him.

Jonah sighs and gives a small nod of his head. "Sure. That's what we'll call it."

We step off the staircase, and I spot some of the girls I came with watching us with interested eyes. I step closer to Jonah to keep up appearances, but when I look back at him he's not paying attention to me. I follow his line of sight to find Devon once again in the crosshairs of his scowl.

"Jonah," I tug on his hand to bring his eyes back to me. "I mean it, let it go."

He frowns at me and releases my hand to run his fingers through his hair. He takes a sip of his beer can of water. "As your boyfriend, I should be defending your virtue. No one talks about my girl like that."

I roll my eyes at his macho-man act. "Settle down. You're not my boyfriend until after school starts. Right now, you're just the guy that Puck'd me at a party."

He frowns again at my choice of words. "Puck'd... Who comes up with that crap?"

I smirk at him and pat his arm—Damn, that's a solid bicep. "Do you need me to defend your virtue, Puck? You're the only one getting riled up about this."

He sighs and takes another sip of his drink. "No. Fine, I'll leave it alone. But let me tell you, once everyone thinks you're my girlfriend, no one's going to want to get caught saying shit like that."

"Aww. What are you going to do? Fight off all the loud mouths?"

"If I have to."

I roll my eyes at him again. "Guys and their testosterone. I really hope you don't use our fake relationship to start any fights. I don't want to have to break up with you before I can even use our arrangement for my benefit."

"You'd break up with me for fighting someone for you?"

"I'd break up with you for using me as an excuse to fuel your dick comparison contest, yes."

I expect him to be disgruntled by my statement but instead, he grins at me and chuckles. "The girlfriend doesn't like fights. Noted."

"You learn quickly, Puck. I think I'll keep you."

He grins at me and then reaches up to tuck some of my hair behind my ear. "I'm not yours until after school starts, remember?"

Puck'dHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin