Chapter 2: Feraltale

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POV Error
I sleepily opened my eyes, which is weird because I almost never sleep. Looking around I'm in an unfamiliar area. Then I see another skeleton, or at least I think she's a skeleton. Her skull resembles a gaster blaster, her fingers(I don't really know what they're called) end in claws, she has a bone tail that ends in a flat, sharp blade, and horns. She has three small horns on the bottom on each side, and two large horns near the top of her skull on each side. Her Face is white and resembles a mask, but the rest of her is black, with purple and blue scars. 'Wait...' I think. "Lastly?!?" I exclaim. "Error?" She says, not moving her mouth, turning to me, but not opening her eyes, of course. (She doesn have any eyes, only empty sockets, but can see using magic. She keeps her eyes closed or wears a blindfold so she won't freak people out. She also had sharp fangs even before, so she used magic to speak without moving her mouth.) "Why do you look like that?" She asks. "What do you mean? Why to you look like a skeleton, dragon thing?" I respond. "We should probably both look at ourselves." She said. We go and find a clear, reflective pool. There we discover our appearances. We both appear very young, and some sort of skeleton dragon thing(note: this is just the best way I could describe it, look at some Feraltale sans pics, I based it on the more dragon-y ones.) My bones were more black, my wounds only scars, and looked better than before, I had four large spikes on each side of my head, which resembles a gaster blaster, and changed from black to red, my pupils are slits and same colors as before, my tear marks are more visible, I have claws and fangs, and a skeletal tail that ends in a flat sharp blade. "I'm going to check us," I say, and Lastly nods.

Name: Error
LV: 1 EXP: 0 HP: 10/10 DF: 8 ATK: 300
*Fate Formed, Destiny touched, Void touched, Karma touched, Love touched, Chance touched, Luck touched, Fortune touched
*Immortal due to Fate
*Chosen Child of Destiny, Karma, and Void
*Fell into the void
*Is older brother to Lastly
*Is six years old
*Is hidden from Ink and others
*Has new magic and changes to existing magic
*Has issues
*Now has hunger and need for sleep again, but only occasionally
*Is now a part of Feraltale

Name: Lastly
LV: 1 HP: 13/13 DF: 6 ATK: 290
*Reborn, Destiny touched, Fate touched, Void touched, Love touched, Chance touched, Fortune touched, Luck touched, Karma touched
*Is nearly impossible to kill, if successful in killing, will probably just come back as something else
*Chosen child of Luck, Chance, Fortune, Love, Void
*Fell into void
*Is younger sister to Error
*Is five years old
*Is hidden from Ink and others
*Has new magic and changes to existing magic
*Has issues, but less than her brother
*Is very affectionate
*Is now a part of Feraltale

"We're kids?!?" I exclaimed. "Hey, do you realize we aren't talking in English anymore." She pointed out. Listening closer, she was right, we were talking in a mix of growls, clicks, and other noises. "Let's go to the antivoid and figure this out and I opened a portal, or at least tried to. We found neither of us could open a portal. "Can you view the codes?" Asked Lastly. I checked and could. I read aloud about the AU, "In Feraltale, monsters are more animalistic, they don't have as much advanced technology, and don't see as many humans. They also speak in a more animalistic language, which is what we are talking in now. It looks like we're in our same multiverse, but this au is distant from any others." "If we're still in our multiverse, that means they might have been told about us." Says Lastly. I curse under my breath, which earns me a glare from Lastly. "Well, we don't look like we used to, so maybe if we changed our names they wouldn't figure it out?" Said Lastly. "Alright what should we change them to?" I ask. "Well, I think I'll go by Mask. I look like I'm wear one, after all." Said newly renamed Mask. I tweaked the codes to show her name as Mask. "I guess maybe I'll go by mistake." I said. "No, that's too mean. How about Malware? It's similar to your old name. If you want though we could use mistake as a last name." She said. Soon we were both renamed. We were now Mask Mistake and Malware Mistake. It was time for us to start over.

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