Ask/Dare #1

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LindaBrashears requested that Nightmare's gang find out Error's alive.

Nightmare's gang was visiting the antivoid. They all missed Error.

"When do you think Error's coming back?" Chattered a voice.

"Error's dead!" Nightmare snapped at the voice.

"No, he's not."

"Yeah, he's just different."

"He visited us one time!" The voices said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Cross.

"We can't tell."

"Yeah, we might get in trouble."

"Big no, no." They said.

Nightmare's gang was overjoyed Error was alive, but a bit upset the voices wouldn't tell them anything. They went home to try and figure out what happened. "Maybe he's in a different multiverse?" Suggested Dust. "How could he visit the antivoid then?" Said Killer. "Good point." Said Dust. They continued to ponder it.

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