Chapter 11

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"What should we do today?" Asked Fell(Underfell Chara). "What about a movie night?" Said Wild. Everyone agreed to a movie night. They divided into groups. One group got snacks, one got chairs and beanbags, one got blankets and pillows, and one got the movies set up.

"Alright everyone, the movies we picked out are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Shrek, Brave, and Spider-Man." Announced Malware. Most Charas cheered for at least one movie.

Everyone drooled while watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They laughed at the funny bits. Some of the ones who had seen the movie before sang along when the oompaloompas (I don't know if I spelled that right) sang. Several said how they wished they had a chocolate factory.

During Shrek, they all laughed. Everyone agreed to watch the sequels next movie night. Everyone had a different favorite character, some loving Shrek, others Fiona, several Donkey, and some Dragon. Several of them cheered when Dragon ate Lord Farquad.

Brave was another that several of them enjoyed. They talked about what they might have done differently or different things that the spell could've done instead. Some pretended to shoot bows and arrows and others pretended to be bears.

During Spider-Man, some of the youngest had to be sent to bed. Most enjoyed the action and some cried when characters died.

By the end of the movie night, they had consumed several bowls of popcorn, plenty of candy, and an outrageous amount of chocolate. Eventually, everyone fell asleep.

Nightmare grumbled. Cross had disappeared and now he was stuck looking for him. He opened a portal to the Fallen Children Support System. He was surprised to see all the children asleep. Walking through, he found the feral children, Cross, and X all asleep. Nightmare shook his head with a sigh. He felt faintly amused that they appeared to have fallen asleep after watching a movie. He decided to leave them for now and pick them up in the morning.

The next morning, most people left for their AUs. Cross and X went back to the mansion. Malware, Mask, Wild, and Feral went back to Feraltale. Their days all continued normally(for them).

Elsewhere in the multiverse, Red was questioning his sanity when he found his Chara asleep on his 'bed' with chocolate smeared a round their mouth. He just grabbed a new sweater and walked out. He didn't want to deal with this today.., or ever.

A/N: A new chapter! This is pretty much all fluff. Red made another appearance and is once again done with everything.

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