Chapter 3: Other Monsters

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POV Mask (time skip 1 week)
We had begun to get used to our new forms and magic. We had changed our clothes as well. Both of us wearing striped sweaters that resemble the ones Charas and Frisks wear, that Malware made with his strings, with Malware's sweater being blue and red, and mine being purple and blue. We both also wore black sweat pants. Malware wears a galaxy themed scarf, and I wear a black and silver striped neck warmer. Neither of us had shoes as they had been lost in the void. We both had decent temperature resistance, though, being skeletons. We found we could shoot small energy beams from our mouths like gaster blasters, and use our tails as blades, shovels, or for balance. We found some sources of food in the woods, but not many. We caught sight of other monsters occasionally, but mostly avoided them. If we are out here much longer though we may have to take some food from them. We also found we could move incredibly quickly on all fours.

    POV Claw (Feraltale Sans, two weeks after last POV)
Something has been getting into the crops and food stores. No one can seem to find what it is though, so me and Paw(Feraltale Papyrus) are watching carefully for the thief. Eventually, after Paw goes to watch another area, I nod off. I startle awake when I hear a soft banging. I creep around and am shocked by the sight. Two baby bones, a boy and girl. The boy looks slightly older with black, red, and yellow bones and blue tear marks. The girl is younger looking and smaller, with a white face, horns tipped in black, and black bones. They are both covered in scars from what I can see, and the girl's eyes are shut, not opening. I move closer making them whip around to face me. They growl and begin to back away. I move closer, causing them to creep back. "Claw! Where are you?" Yells Paw. This causes the two baby bones to scramble back, growling and whimpering. "Claw there you ar-mphhh." I cut him off, clamping his mouth shut. I point to the two baby bones, who are scrambled into a corner, both on all fours and growling and whimpering. I notice the girl is the main one whimpering, though the boy also occasionally lets out a whimper as well. "Hey, we won't hurt you." I say as a carefully creep closer. They attempt to get further back. 'What happened to you?' I think. They shouldn't be acting this distrustful. They are also both covered in scars, and now that I'm closer, very few look to be unintentionally made. "Do not worry! We will not harm you!" Says Paw. After a lot of coaxing they begin to creep forward. I carefully reach out to touch them which instantly causes the boy to dart away. The girl moves away slightly but not as much as the boy. "Y-You won't hurt us— right?" She asks, her voice soft and shaking. The strange part is her mouth doesn't move, though I can see her throat rattle slightly. "We won't." I say softly. The two move together and softly began talking. I only caught fragments but I heard the words "trust", "hurt," and "food." After a couple minutes they came closer, now walking on two legs instead of four. "Where are you kids' parents? They shouldn't let you be stealing food." Says Paw. I already have suspicions, but what the boy says confirms them. "We don't h@vę any." He says, his voice glitching slightly as he speaks. "How would you kids like to stay with us?" I ask softly. They look at each other and hesitantly nod. As we begin to walk back I ask, "What's you kids names?" "I'm Malware Mi§take, and th¡s is my sister, Maśk Mistake." Says the boy, Malware. Their names are strange, but I decide not to question it. "How old are you two?" Asks Paw. "I'm five and Malware is six." Responds Mask. Both are pretty young. "How did you get those scars?" Asks Paw. "Thęy're from... øther people." Responds Malware hesitantly. I want to dig deeper, but both of them look uncomfortable. I look at Paw and frown. Both of us want to know what happened to these kids, but they clearly don't trust us. I notice both shivering slightly. "Would you like to ride in one of our pouches?" I offer. Both just look at me in confusion. They don't know what a pouch is which is concerning. "A pouch for a skeleton is like a holding space for young. We swallow young to get into the stomach like pouch and spit them out when they want to get out. Both young skeletons quickly decline. I had thought maybe they just didn't know the term for it but neither seem familiar with the concept at all. "Didn't your parents ever do that?" Asks Paw. "Like I said befor3, we don't have @ny par£nts." Says Malware. Me and Paw walk with them in silence the rest of the way.

    POV Malware(time skip to the house)
Neither of us trusted Claw and Paw. We both knew that sometimes a Sans and Papyrus would act friendly then turn on us. The house was a decent size, but only had one room. There was some nest like beds, probably Paw and Claw's, a kitchen area, and some couches. In the light I could see the two older skeletons better. Paw was larger, and had a slight orange tint to his head spines, and Claw was smaller and had a faint blueish tint to his head spines. Both were a lot larger than either of us, and larger than a normal sans and papyrus. "Well! I the great Paw will make you some spaghetti!" Exclaimed Paw. 'I guess that is something all Papyruses share,' I thought. Me and Mask go and sit on one of the couches and Claw sits across from us. "So, how long have you been here?" He asks. "Nōt long." I respond vaguely. He asks a few more questions which we both answer vaguely. He seems suspicious and... concerned? I am a bit confused at why he is concerned. "I have finished my spaghetti!" Declares Paw, who had been working at the strange stove making spaghetti. We head over and he places down a plate of spaghetti for each of us.

    POV Mask
I don't know what to do. My teeth, which were large and sharp even before the transformation, tend to scare people. Claw notices and asks, "Hey kid why aren't you eating?" Malware had been carefully inspecting his food and I had been trying to figure out what to do. "I don't £at often." Malware told them. "I don't like to eat around people." I responded. "May I ask why?" Asked Paw. "People tend to freak out about my teeth." I explain. Paw and Claw blink, confused. "Don't worry kid, we won't be scared, also Malware, it's not good to not eat often." Claw says. So a bit nervously I begin eating and Malware does the same.

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