Wash My Mouth Out With Soap

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TW!!! Non-con

Charlie rubs her eyes with the knobs of her knuckles, completely burnt out and exhausted. She nudges her laptop away from her on the table top, allowing herself to rest her face across her arms with a heavy and exasperated sigh. Almost as if on cue, the lights of the room are flicked on, and she groans at the brightness as Sam approaches.

He scrunches his face in concern, pouring her a cup of coffee from last night's pot. "You sleep at all?" He asks gently, handing her the mug with a comforting smile.

She shakes her head, the hollows of her eyes discolored with heavy bags. "No...no yet. I cracked it though." She says numbly, sipping the dark drink in content, allowing her eyes to flutter shut as she savors the bitter taste.

"Really?" Sam asks with some excitement as he sits in the chair beside hers.

Charlie nods. "Rowena didn't change carriers, just got a new cell number, which I've got right here." She hands Sam a slip of paper with the witch's new phone number before she clasps her hands in her lap. "But...just as I thought, the GPS on Dean's phone shows that his cell was ditched in that sawmill. So that's a dead end, too." She says in disappointment.

Sam nods, unsurprised by that bit of info. "Okay, well, Rowena seems to like Cas. We should have him give her a ring, dimes to dollars says she has access to a lot more resources than we have."

Charlie nods, still drowsy as she sips slowly. Sam pats her on the shoulder, giving a firm and thankful squeeze with his large hand.

"You should go sleep. We've got a lot of spare rooms - take your pick."

Charlie sighs in relief. "Really? Ah, that'd be awesome. Thanks, really." She stands after throwing back the rest of the mug in earnest.

"No, thank you Charlie. For all of this. You're the best."

Charlie stoops to press a quick kiss into Sam's hair, giving it an affectionate ruffle in her fingers before heading to rest. Sam smirks, although a sick feeling settles deep in his gut over how long it's taking to find his brother.

- - - - - - - - -

"How did you get this number, sweet angel?" Rowena asks with a worried tone, pacing in the throne room of Hell.

"That isn't why I've called you, Rowena. I regret to inform you that I am in need of your help again." Cas sighs, eyes shifting to meet the worried faces of Benny, Sam, and Charlie.

Rowena holds the phone away from her ear so that the angel, hopefully, wouldn't hear her angsty groan. "And what's that, my dear?"

"It's Dean, again. He was taken - alpha vampire."

She pauses in place briefly, and then continues her pacing. "The alpha? How in God's green Earth did you tangle with him?"

"It was when we went for Benny...I don't know, he was just...there. We aren't sure why exactly, not even sure he needed a reason. It was just the wrong place and the wrong time."

"I don't know if there's even anything I can do this time, Castiel. My hands are a wee tied at the moment." She glances over her shoulder, checking to see if she was being watched. "I'm in Hell, with Crowley. I told him I was done with the lot of you...if I'm caught-"

"Please, Rowena. Please...I'll do anything." The Seraph pleads, holding his breath in anticipation.

There's a long pause as the witch racks her brain, drowning in the weight of her decision. Risk her life for a hunter she hardly knows? Continue to work with her son, trying to gain his trust? She was playing a risky game.

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